Original Death

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So, this isn't finished because I scrapped it  while ago, but this is the beginning of Beth's ORIGINAL death! This was how she was going to die [and stay dead] I found this on my hard drive so I though I'd share

"I'm sorry." Erik said, making me tilt my head in confusion before he clenched one of his fists and began to bend the metal hip replacement I have. I yelled out in pain, tears forming in my eyes at the feeling of the crushing inside of me. "I really am... You shouldn't have come." He finished, using his power to throw me towards where Jean, Charles and Moira were.

I landed on the ground with a small thud and Moira rushed over to me. "Are you alright?!" She asked, handing me a towel she must have found. I looked at her confused before realizing that the metal in my side must have broke skin while it was being crushed.

I nodded, hissing in pain when she pressed the towel to my side to stop the flowing blood. I gently pushed her hand away, holding it on my own. "I can't stay up here. I have to help." I said while standing up shakily.

"You can't. You're too weak." Jean said, standing up from her spot next to Charles. "It's not safe out there..."

I stood and took a wobbly step towards her. "I'm sorry. Truly I am..." I hugged her and whispered in her ear shakily. "I should have told you a long time ago." I said before jumping down to face Apocalypse. I threw some chaos magic his way, watching proudly as it hit his head, causing him to drop Raven. "Not so tough now-" I was cut off when his hand clutched tightly at my throat. "-Are you..." 

A/N: Basically he breaks her neck, she crumples to the ground, that's Erik's motivation to help. That is why I scrapped it because it made him seem like he was hopelessly in love with her, which he isn't xD 

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