Chapter Twelve

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I couldn't think about Amy right now. I was too busy panicking when a purple glowing blade pierced through the ceiling above my head, only inches from impacting my skull. I looked up at the new hole with a horrified expression. "Okay I don't think I want to sit here anymore..." I shouted over the loud beeping of the plane as it declined in altitude.

"Everyone grab onto Nightcrawler!" Jean ordered.

"I've never done it with this many people!" He argued, kneeling down to her level while Scott and I ran towards them.

"We need to get everyone out of here." Jean explained calmly despite their current situation.

Everyone grabbed on to different parts of Kurt, and him gripping Charles's arm tightly. A piece of ceiling fell from the back of the plane and my eyes widened. "Okay, let's go." I squeaked out. Angel dropped down into the plane, me backing into Scott a little bit. "Please!"

Jean used her powers to make the plane do a nose dive, sending Angel to the floor of the plane. Kurt grunted as he struggled to teleport everyone to a safer place, Jean looking at him worriedly. "Kurt, hurry!"

"Yeah, I'm gonna throw up." I announced, my stomach doing flips at the rushing decline of the plane. Just as I had finished my sentence, we arrived in a new area, a cloud of blue smoke fading away from us. "Someone help me stand up so I can go puke, please."

Hank rubbed my back gently. "Just hang in there, you'll be fine."

"Fine, but if I throw up, it's gonna be on you Beasty." I groaned. "Is the kid okay?"

"It's his energy, he's drained..." Jean explained, looking towards me with sad eyes.

"Get out..." A voice from behind me said quietly, progressively getting louder.

I crawled over to him, still not sure I'd be able to stand, and took his head into my hands. "Charles!" When he continued to fight my grip, I zapped him with my powers gently. "Charles, you're okay, you're with us." I mumbled to him quietly. His eyes opened and looked into mine, his body relaxing slightly. "You're okay." I whispered with a smile before kissing his forehead.

"You're injured..." He pointed out weakly while pointing to the blood stain on my suit. "Can I not leave you alone for two minutes?" He joked with a sad chuckle.

"I'm going to be fine. You're stuck with me, I'm afraid." I quipped, sticking my tongue out at him. "Let's get you over there so you're more comfortable, eh?" I suggested, Jean coming over to aid me with helping him towards a wall he could lean on. I shot him one last smile before heading over towards Hank. "He gonna be alright?" I asked in reference to Kurt.

"Once he gains some energy back, yea." He said while nodding.

"Charles!" The voice of Apocalypse carried through the destroyed village. My eyes shot away from Kurt and towards the wall opposite me. "Show yourself!" I looked to Charles to see him with his eyes closed and breathing a little heavy. "CHAAAAAAARLES! SHOW YOURSELF!" I clenched my fists, getting ready to go kick his ass, only to have Hank put a hand on my own and shake his head.

"I'm not just going to sit here!" I whispered harshly. The sound of Peter screaming made everybody flinch and I pulled away, walking towards the open part of the building, getting ready to jump down to help. I saw the woman with the purple leotard again and narrowed my eyes. "I swear to-" I cut myself off when she struck Apocalypse instead of Peter, causing him to grab her neck and lift her off the ground in a choke hold. Blue scales rushed over her to reveal Raven and I gasped quietly. I looked back to see Charles with tears in his eyes and that was enough for me. "You stay with him!" I ordered Moira and Jean.

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