Chapter Ten

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--A few minutes after the last chapter ending--

I stumbled towards the plane, tripping over my own feet as I ran. As soon as I entered, I dropped to my knees next to an unconscious Charles. I immediately brought a hand to his cheek and smiled with tears of joy in my eyes. "Thank god you're safe.." I whispered, leaning down to his level and placing a kiss on his forehead. I chuckled and ran a hand over his now bald head. "And you were always so protective of your hair." Jean appeared at my side in a cloud of blue smoke and handed me a towel to dab at the wound on his temple.

"Are you okay? You're a bit pale." She asked me quietly before Scott to was brought back here by Kurt.

"I'm fine. All that matters is that he's not with that psycho anymore and he's safe with us." I said, looking to her with a weak smile.

Scott turned at the sound of my voice and made his way to the front of the plane. I stood, signaling Jean to take my spot, and quickly walked over to him. "You're not dead..." He whispered into my hair as he tightly hugged me. I winced slightly, not allowing anyone to see the look of pain on my face.

"I promised you, didn't I?" I breathed out. My legs began to wobble, making Scott pull away and check me over. I smiled to deter from worrying, only to fall over and alert him that I was injured.

"Beth!" Scott practically yelled. Kurt appeared with Hank and ran up to the front, looking back at me worried. I heard him order Moira to get us out of here and shuffle back over to us. "Beth what the hell happened?!"

I breathed out a laugh and threw my head back against one of the seats. "Bitch with the sword happened. I was trying to stop that guy with the wings and she just comes up and stabs me." I sighed and squinted, running my tongue against the back of my front teeth. "I'll be fine, Scott. Worse things have happened to me."

"She's not lying." Hank agreed awkwardly. "But Beth-"

"No buts!" I hissed out. "Only agreeing with me." Scott looked down at me and opened his mouth to speak, and I could tell by his thoughts that he was about to say but again. "Ah! No!" I scolded. I turned to the front of the plane, looking out the windshield as we rose into the sky. A sudden flash of a purple leotard and metal wings made me inwardly groan when there was a thud on the roof of the plane. "Oh joy." I looked around the plane and paled even more. "Guys... where's Amy?"

A/N: It's only short because I ran out of time to write it!! But this is the second to last chapter I'm about to cry :'(

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