-Since When Did You Care About Anyone Else?-

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"That guy? Oh that was uhm Carter." I stumbled. I don't know why I felt the need to be unsure about it. It's only Dakota and we're friends. 

"Uhm Carter? Interesting name." he teases. 

"Shut up, his name is Carter and he's super sweet."

"He looks like the nerd type." he says. I look at him in disbelief pretending I wasn't thinking the same thing he is when I first saw Carter. 

"Don't be an asshole. He's a really sweet guy." I defend my new friend and start walking away from Dakota. 

"What does he do for fun? Count molecules?" he jokes. Pretty lame joke but I let a laugh slip.

I decide to keep walking and ignore all his attempts to annoy me on the way out. Once I make it into the hallway, safely away from Dakota, I make my way back to the dorm stressed out about what we're going to do with Acacia. Honestly if Blake wasn't such a freak this whole thing wouldn't have happened and I wouldn't be stuck here with a mocha frap and probably the worst make-up smeared hang over face ever. I make it to the dorm and pull out my key opening the door to find Acacia sitting on the floor with her phone. 

"We have chairs for a reason, you weirdo." 

"Yeah, well, I was uncomfortable." she whines. 

"I'm sorry my cheap hand-me-down kitchen chairs weren't good enough for you." I laugh. 

She just shrugs me off and I head to shower. Getting in the bathroom, I notice after taking my clothes off that I had a long purple bruise along my side. Where the hell did this come from? Ignoring it, I look in the black plastic rimmed mirror. My blue eyes stare back at me and I quickly look away not wanting to go back to looking at the face I've spent too long hating. Ever since my dad and my mom split I've been blaming myself for his alcoholic behavior. Maybe if I had given him something to live for he would have kept living his life. Now it's almost like he doesn't live anymore. He's a shell full of what used to be. 

Brushing off the thoughts that used to lead my depression I shower and get ready for the day, throwing on a pair of jeans and a graphic tee shirt. The shirt reads "What do you think I do all day? Eh?" It's from a movie me and my best friend used to love. You wouldn't get it. 

I walk out into the kitchen and I kid you not Acacia is still sitting there on her phone, in her outfit from yesterday and her empty cup of coffee.

"Acacia, go to your dorm dude." I laugh, kicking her gently with my foot to get her off my floor. After she reluctantly nodded and left, I grab my keys and head to the mall to go shopping. After driving all the way there and going to like three stores it was already 7. I managed to buy three new dresses that all looked decent enough for school. I don't even know how the time passed like that. Besides the fact my phone dinged.

*Come back to the dorm I need to talk to you* it reads. I take a quick stab at it and come up with the idea that it must be Dakota. 

*How do you have my number?* I reply.

*Your best friend has a huge mouth* it reads. As if I didn't already know that. Shoving my phone in my pocket and mentally rolling my eyes I get back into my car and drive back to the college wondering what on earth he would need to talk to me so urgently about. 

I walk into the room only to find that Acacia is still in there. STILL IN THERE. 

"Dude! You have your own room girl. Why didn't you leave?" I half yell.

"Dakota wouldn't let me." she says.

"I wasn't going to let her go back into that room with Blakely are you serious?" Dakota yells. 

"Since when did you care about anyone else?" with that comment I earn the iciest glare I've ever seen shooting right at me through Dakotas eyes. 

"You know what? You're right. I don't care, go back to your own room. See where that gets you." he says to Acacia. 

I immediately scorn myself thinking that he was right. I was being so unreasonable. Why would I want her to leave when the only place she could go would be to the room in which an insane rapist lives. 

Acacia just stands there staring at him and he raises his hand towards the door, "Get out!" he yells. I see the tears well in her eyes and then she starts to walk quickly towards the door. I stop her.

"I'm sorry. But you're just going to stay right here for now until I can get this whole thing settled." I say to her. 

"What? Now you want her to stay? I honestly can't keep up with you." he whines. 

"I know, I just thought about it and maybe... maybe she should just stay here until she can go to a safer place." I say. She gives me a weird look. 

"Guys I'm not three. I know how to defend myself. And if I feel unsafe I would leave." She looks between the both of us and I pipe back up.

"No, you're going to be here until I go to the lady in the office and figure this out." I set the rules and walk out of the room with my head high.  Once I reach the office I notice the 40 year old woman sitting there jamming out to some music. The office is bright with pretty Christmas lights and greeting cards from different places. On the back wall there was a framed picture of a family and 2 dogs. I look at the lady and find her staring at me wide  eyes with a smile plastered on her face. 

"Can I do something for you miss?" she asks. 

"Yes, uhm I actually have a request to switch room mates." I say, giving her my best sweet innocent look.

"Oh and may I ask why?" 


"Well, you know the rules you have to have the other person agree t-" I cut her off.

"I know your stupid rules but listen, you're going to let my friend switch out of her room because god help me if you don't I will come in here and rip all those stupid fu-" I stop myself, realizing how ridiculous and scary I sound and calm down a little. "I would advise you to just let my friend switch." I say. 

"F-fine, but I'm breaking so many rules young lady." clearing her throat she enters some things into the computers and asks for my friends name. I tell her and she gives me some paperwork that I have to return to her tomorrow. Let me rephrase that, that Acacia has to do tonight, and I have to return tomorrow. I finally make my way back to the dorm and swing open the door, paperwork in one hand. 

"Looks like you're staying here tonight." I tell Acacia as soon as I see her, throwing down the papers next to her. 

"Oh my god, parrtttyy!" she pumps her fist. 

"No. We've had enough partying." I tell her. 

"Well I kind of like parties." Dakota pipes in.

"No. No one is having a party here tonight. I'm going to bed." I tell them.

"It's literally 9 Alice." he tells me. 

"So? It's been a long day. Give me a break." I head into my room and throw on my pink flannel pajama shorts and my white cami, climbing into bed for a well. fucking. deserved. nights rest. Just as I started to drift into sleep I remember that Dakota never talked to me about that text.


Woooowooo long chapterrr! Kind of. Do you guys want longer chapters or is this a good length? let me know! tell me what youre thinking when you read! Thank you guys for supporting and VOTING! I love how i never had to ask you guys to vote youre so great. I love you allll 

xoxoxo shan

P.S hey Liv "what do you think i do all day? Eh?" Miss you more than life, Also emailed you something important. love love love you. -queen shanindoah 

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