Arcade With Michael

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You were at the arcade waiting for your friend. You felt a vibration and looked down at your phone.

"Sorry, I know this is last minute, but I can't come. I feel so sick, I can barely move." The text read.

You replied with, "It's okay, I hope you feel better <3."

Although you were all by yourself, you still intended to have a good time. Plus, you had already bought plenty of tokens so you had no choice.

You went around the arcade playing the games you were good at, in an attempt to win more tickets and the games you struggled with, just to have fun. But then you seen a familiar head of blondish hair. (A/N: idk what to call Michael's current hair colour :/ )

"Michael?" You called out, in hope that it was your friend from school.

He turned around almost instantly and smiled at the sight of you. "Y/n! I didn't know you'd be here."

"I didn't know I was going to see you here either. Want to play with me?" You asked pointing to a hoop-shooting game.

"Yeah sure that'd be great."

You both went through almost all the games, having a blast. Finally, it was time to count your tickets and get your prize(s).

"Haha Michael, I beat you! You suck!!" You joked, sticking your tongue out at him.

He rolled his eyes at you. "Only by 10 tickets, and that's not much."

"Hey, I still won."

"Whatever. Let's go get our prizes."

You both got so much things that you could barely hold them all. You didn't have enough for the big prizes, but you had enough for plenty medium and small ones.

You said bye to Michael, but before you could leave he grabbed your hand. And without letting go, he looked into your eyes and said, "Y/n, you are the most beautiful girl, inside and out, and you never fail to make my day amazing. Will you go out with me?"

You tried to speak, but no words would come out, so all you could do was nod your head. And then you felt soft lips on yours. You couldn't help but smile.

A/N: This felt good to write, I was gushing so much and it isn't even written that good but whatever. More updates coming your way, so stay tuned. Also, I'm starting an actual fic, but idk if I'm gonna publish it or not, I have to start the first few chapters.

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