5SOS Trick-OR-Treating

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A/N: this has been in my drafts since fiveever and since it's October 1st, I decided to post this lil blurb.  Happy October!

Calum would take it the most serious out of everyone.  He would know exactly which house had the best candy and which ones to skip.  He would have a whole route and plan and everything.  I imagine that Cal would complain whenever the group started to slow down.  He would be one of those people who save up their candy 'till the very end of the night.

Michael was mainly the reason that the group would slow down.  After every house he would stop to eat his candy.  At one point, Calum took Michael's candy bag away from him.  Eating all that candy would make him super hyper and crazy.  I feel like at one point he would run out of candy and would try stealing Luke's candy and he would probably succeed.

Ashton would sing a bunch of halloween songs, but really wrong and off-key.  After every lyric Ashton would burst into a fit of giggles.  Michael would join in as well, making him go slower and annoying Calum even more (he's low-key thinking about joining in but of course Cal was on a mission.). Ashton was just out to have a good time, and nothing less.  He also ate some of his candy.

I feel like Luke would act like he's too old for Halloween and as if he's super disinterested, but really he's as excited as a kid on Christmas (or Halloween lool).  Before every house he would make a comment like "aren't we a little too old for this?" or "this is so boring, I want to go home." But you bet that once he got to the house, he'd drop the act and would be the first one to say "trick or treat" and would get really excited about the candy.  Luke, like Calum, would also save up his candy, just not as passionately as his bandmate.

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