Texting Micheal

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A time on the clock based on the Earth rotating

Michael: Hey Y/n

You: Hey, Michael

Michael: So I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?

You: Sure

Michael: I'll pick you up at 4 tomorrow?

You: Yeah sounds good.

Michael: Feels good

You: What?

Michael: Inside joke ;)

You: You're such a kitten

Michael: That's a good thing, right?

You: Yes. It means you're cute :P

Michael: Oh, well you're a really cute kitten

You: Nah, you're the kitten

Michael: Then you're the princess

You: Nope. I'm a Queen

Michael: All hail Queen Y/n!!1!

You: And her kitten, Michael!!1!

A/n: I thought this one was cute but the rest are "meh" in my eyes. But here you go, this is the end of the text imagines, and I probably won't do these again. I also have a few more updates comin' your way today.

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