Ugly Pt.1- Michael Clifford

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A/N: Heyyoo Did ya miss me?? No? Oh okayWell, Ima back!!  I haven't written anything in so long but I am trying to make time for it, but I've been more focused on my art hehThank you if you're reading this and I hope you enjoy.

You finished touching up your makeup and were about to leave when you heard a sniffle.

"Hello?" You called out.

All you got was a choked sob in reply.

You approach the stall.  "I'm coming in okay?"

"No, I'm fine."  A shakey voice called out as you opened up the door.

You froze as you seen a boy with red hair sitting on the floor, curled up in a ball.  You could see his eyes were blotchy.  You could tell he needed a hug, badly.  So you gave him one.

The boy hesitated, but eventually wrapped his arms around your torso and leaned his head on your shoulder.  You stayed silent, while he let out his tears.  You comforted him through it, knowing that you'd want someone to do the same for you.

After a while, the boy took in a shaky breath, wiped his tears and apologised.

You shook your head, "No, don't be sorry.  Crying is normal.  Are you okay?"

He nodded his head, biting his lip.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?"


"Okay, I'm sorry.  You don't have to tell me.  At least tell me your name?"

He pulled at his sleeves before answering.  "I'm Michael."

"Hi there, Michael.  I'm Y/N, and even though I just met you, you're amazing."

He rolled his eyes.  "Yeah right.  You're just saying that.  That's what they all say.  You just admitted it yourself, you just met me."

"Well, I can tell that you're amazing just by your hair.  I love the red, I think it looks great.  And your fashion style is definitely great.  You seem very nice and smart.  You must be going through a tough time right now and whatever it may be, I want you to know that you can get through it.  You can make it.  Everything will turn out great.  Keep your chin up."

You and Michael sat in silence for a bit.  You decided that he wasn't going to say anything so you stood up.

"See you around, Michael."

As you were leaving, you hoped the red-haired boy would speak up, but he stayed silent.  For some reason, he intrigued you and you wanted to know more about him.

You sat at your usual lunch table with your two best friends- Luke and Petunia.

They were engaged in some conversation about who would be most likely to dominate the world, while you were thinking about your encounter with Michael.

"Do you guys know who Michael is?  Red hair, pretty skinny, green eyes?"

"Michael Clifford?" Luke spoke up.  "Yeah he's in my Phys Ed class.  Why?"

"Oh well I just seen him this morning and I was kinda wondering.  But that name sounds kinda familiar.  Michael Clifford.". You said.

"Isn't that the name of that hot model who accidentally fell off the runway last week?" Petunia suggested.

You shook your head.  "No, thats Michael Crawford."

"Michael Clifford is the name of the guy who wrote that stupid book about chickens getting chopped up by skittles, right?" Luke asked.

"No, that was Michael Cluphfort.  Different guy." You informed.


"Oh yeahhhhhhhhh" you and Luke said in unison.

"Why'd they break up again?" You asked.

Petunia took a sip of her Pepsi as if it was tea.  "I heard that she was secretly with Mr.Malik for a few months."

"Is that why he just magically disappeared from the school in the middle of the year?" You gasped.

Luke laughed.  "Are you sure that's what happened, because I heard that Abigail asked him to do drugs but he didn't want to so she went and found someone who would do crack with her."

"That's crazy," Petunia argued, "even for Abigail.  Do you really think she's on drugs?"

We gave her that "mhmm" look in response.

"Okay don't answer that question, but what I was told seems more likely.  I mean she did talk about Mr.Malik being hot like all the time."

"But she always acts as if she's under the influence, so mine seems more realistic.  Plus, Brad, her new boytoy, has a history with drugs." Luke interjected.

And they continued to argue like that about why Abigail and Michael Clifford had broken up after a long 3 years.  But you didn't pay much attention.  You were too busy thinking about Michael and how he'd dated one of the most popular girls in your school.  And how you'd found him crying in the girls bathroom earlier that day. Why did he dye his hair red right after breaking up with Abigail?  Why didn't you recognise him?  And why couldn't you stop thinking about him?

I'm bringing cringey back :)) Them other fans dunno how to act

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