All Eight

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Dad and I went outside and played catch for at least two hours, It was really fun since we couldn't do it in the apartment complex I was in so it was good to get back into the swing of things. We finally stopped playing and walked inside. My Dad turned on the television, him and I sat down on the couch and watched The Jetsons, it was my favorite t.v show since my friend f/n showed it to me. Dad made us popcorn and sat down together and watched t.v for a long time.

As soon as I knew it darkness overcame the house, I got up and started to walked up to my room and changed into my pale blue pajamas, and fell right to sleep.

It was Sunday so I woke up about the same time I did yesterday when I heard more talking outside of my bedroom window, this time it wasn't two boys now there was eight. The two from yesterday were there but with them were two boys that looked like they could be siblings, the taller one in a hat, the smaller one in overalls, a tan boy in a white flannel he was about the size of the kid with glasses from yesterday. The tallest guy was wearing a hat and a brown flannel and he also had glasses, another one was darker than the rest wearing an orange/yellow shirt, the last tall one in the group was tan with a white shirt on. Again the small kid from yesterday looked right into the window as he passed the house, I met his blue eyes and blushed but did he?

I got changed quickly into a black shirt under a blue and black flannel along with blue jean shorts. After I was sure that they couldn't see me, I followed them out to wherever they were going.

Once I got there, it was their own baseball kingdom I hid behind a fence and watched them play for at least an hour or so. I ran home before my Dad woke up to wonder where I was so I lied and said that I went for a little walk around the neighborhood. That was the first time I lied to him. The kid in the glasses never left my thoughts, His brown hair, and black rimmed glasses suited so him well.

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