Biggest Pickle

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We walked to the sandlot like we do everyday but today was different. We got to our place, mine still in the dugout, I was stitching up my used mitt when I heard 'wow, cool, neat, Benny.' I turned my head to go see what they were all talking about, that's when I saw the skin of the baseball right in front of Bertram. I ran over to I while the rest of the team did the same, I got there a little late because now Small was running off to go get a ball, while we all waited around the sandlot in 90 degrees whether. Finally he came back, he got to batt because it was his ball, that was the rules. He hit it clean over the fence everyone cheered for him, He said he taught him everything but last time he touched a bat he could barely hit the ball. Small stoped at second base and walked straight to the fence and just stared at it like he was in a trance, I ran over , "We gotta get that ball back." Small said, everyone laughed. " Right! Good one, Smalls." Ham said laughing, "It was a great shot, but forget about it... game's over. We'll get another ball." Benny tried to say before Smalls Interrupted him "You don't understand!" He yelled like we were across the field. "Sure we do. You feel bad 'cause you belted a homer, and now we can't play no more."{ Benny finished but again got cut off by Smalls, "No! You don't understand! THAT WASN'T MY BALL!" He said we just looked at him confused, "Whadda you mean it wasn't your ball?" Squinhts said pushing up his glasses, "It's my stepdad's. I stole it from his trophy room. It was a present or something - somebody gave it to him. We have to get it back. He's gonna kill me!" Smalls said, he was having a nervous breakdown, that ball must be really important. "Smalls... listen to me. This is a matter of life and death. Where did your old man get that ball?" Squints asked, "I dunno... I think some lady gave it to him." he said, we were all confused "Some lady?..." Squints asked confused "Yeah, she even signed her name on it. Some lady named Ruth... Baby Ruth." he said, we all knew what he was talking about "BAAAYYYBE RUUUUUTH?!" We all yelled and and ran to the fence, we jumped down "The Beast got it." Kenny said, "You're dead as a doornail, Smalls." he said followed by his brother saying "You're dead as a doornail, Smalls." "Nice knowing you." Timmy said again, "Nice knowing -" Tommy tried to repeat his broth but got cut off. "- shut up, Tommy... Smalls, you mean to tell me you went home and swiped a ball that was signed by Babe Ruth, and brought it out here and actually played with it?" Timmy said, And actually played with it?!" Tommy repeated. "Yeah, but I was gonna put it back." Smalls choked out. "But it was signed by Babe Ruth!" Squints yelled, "Well, who is she?!" Smalls said, all of us were stunted. "What?! What?!" Ham said The Sultan of Swat!" Kenny states, "The King of Krash!" Bertram followed,"The Colossus of Clout!" Timmy and Tommy say, "BABE RUTH!" we all yell, "The Great Bambino!" Ham says for good measure, that did it how could someone know this little about baseball "OH, MY GOD! THAT'S THE SAME GUY?!" Smalls yells. "Yeah. Smalls, Babe Ruth is the greatest baseball player that ever lived. People say he was less than a God, but more than a man. Ya know... like Hercules or somethin'. The ball that you just aced to The Beast is worth... well, more than your whole life." Scotty falls to his knees and grabs his stomach. "I don't feel so good." He says, we all start fanning him with our hats, but Squints used his glasses. "We gotta get that ball back." Smalls says, "When does your old man get home from Work?" Benny asks, "He's gone on business for a week." Smalls replied, "Okay, we need 98 cents. So, everybody spread out and find some soda bottles and cash 'em in. We need a new baseball." Benny announces. There goes my summer trying to get a ball back that is in the hands of the beast, and looking for bottles.

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