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When the next day rolled around I did my normal routine, combed my hair, put on a little make up and changed into a plain dark green shirt and blue jeans. I thought what if Squints was going to stop by the house or if I was just supposed to go there without him. But after a few moments I heard talking, so I ran to my room, looked out the window, and saw him. 

He looked into the window and signaled me to meet him there later and to stay hidden, just by the look in his eyes. After an hour or so had passed, I went out to the place I found the day before. Instead of hiding where I was yesterday, I cross the opening of the field without anyone seeing me, so i thought. I went to the other side of the wooden fence, bent down and for at least three hours watched them play through a crack in the fence big enough to see the whole field from my angle.

I watched Squints most of the whole time, but what would Dad say, I liked him a lot, I was in this position where I didn't know what to do. I decided to go home after the three hours that I spent at the field.

 As I took the long way to the house I was thinking maybe he does like me after all, of course he doesn't, stop assuming stuff y/n, it can't be that perfect

When I got back to the house I unlocked the door, and my Dad was in the living room. 

"Hey y/n Where have you been for this long?" He asked

 "Oh Dad Hi, um I just wheat for a walk, I didn't sleep well, it was a ni-nightmare, I wanted to get my mind off it." I lied. 

"You know I don't like when you lie to me y/n, you were with that boy weren't you?"

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