Baseballs or Softballs

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We talked for about a half an hour until we parted ways and went home, Squints walked home with me and we talked the whole way there.

"So y/n what is your favorite thing to do around here since you moved?" Squints asked.

"Well, I like to play baseball with my Dad since he is going to be the new pitcher for the Dodgers starting tomorrow," I said.

Squints stared at me then stated, "But girls can't play baseball, you must have had a softer ball which is called softball."

I was shocked, I knew that I was able to tell the difference between a baseball and a softball. "Just so you know I can tell the difference between a baseball and softball Squints," I stated.

"Ok then If you really do, play baseball with us tomorrow. Be ready at 6:00 see you then." He said and left me at my house.

If he doesn't believe me fine.

After I didn't see anyone from the gang I went to the field.

When I got there I heard a dog growl more devilish than any dog I've heard before in my life. I decided to take a look behind the fence, through the hole at the left side. I saw something, a gorilla dog thing but when it looked at me and barked, I ran back to my house so fast. When I got home my Dad asked where I was,

"I want with squints to meet his friends, then I when to look at their baseball field and they wanted me to baseball with them tomorrow starting at 6:00 in the morning, so can I?" I asked finally catching my breath after my long sentence.

"Y/n you can but next time stop giving me so much information at once." He said making us both laugh.

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