#RIPChristinaGrimmie + update

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I loved her so much. I have been a fan of her for so many damn years. Many years before she went on the voice. Even before she recorded her first own album by herself.

I was so lucky to see her live and meet her a year and a half ago. She was the sweetest fricking person ever and she signed my ticket and shirt.

She was one of the most wonderful people and I miss her. RIP Christina, I'll never forget about you, even when I doubt you: I'm no good without you.

I know her favorite TOP song was Doubt.

Doubt is my favorite Blurryface song.

I love you Christina, and you will forever be in my heart.



That being said: I'm going to a festival this weekend. I actually already went to two days of the festival and tomorrow will be the last day. That's why I haven't written or updated in the past two days, and I won't update tomorrow other. The day after that, I'm gonna write and try to update again.

The festival is amazing, by the way. But I can't keep Christina out of my head.



I love you all for reading my stories, so so so so much.

Let me know what your favorite Twenty One Pilots song is. Or if you are a Christina Grimmie fan: what is your favorite song of her?

Mine are probably Liar Liar and King Of Thieves.



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