Chapter 18: Take aim, a loaded gun. Pull back on all who run.

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🎶It's been a long time since I came around, it's been a long time but I'm back (in town)🎶 with an update for this fic!! It's been really a long time and I'm sorry! But I hope this kinda makes up for it. I'm just always casually going to quote Yoü and I by Lady Gaga if it's been a while since I update a fic, like I did just there. ^

Can I just say thank you for not sexualizing the word daddy in this fic like wowie no one made an inappropriate comment t h a n k  y o u

It's so sweet when people send me a direct message saying that I should become a real writer and they'll get mad if they won't see actual physical books from me in the stores one day. It's so adorable and I love to read those things. I'm not sure if I can publish Joshler books as actual books to buy in stores though 😅


The concert was over, and Josh and Tyler got a drink at the bar. They walked closer to the stage again and a man with a crew shirt and a lanyard around his neck came up to them.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Josh, sir", Josh answered. The man gave him a nod. "And you?" He asked. "I'm Tyler", he answered.

"Good, I have the right people. Matt asked me to come and get you if you would still be up for it", the man told them.

"Of course!" Tyler replied, before Josh could hesitate because of his anxiety.

"Great, follow me", the man smiled, suddenly a whole change in posture. He was very... Emotionless and straight to the point at first.

They followed the man to the side of the stage where some doors were. The man opened the door and let Josh and Tyler in.

"Hey! Why can they go backstage?" Someone yelled.

"They're friends of the band", the man simply replied, before closing the door before the random strangers's noses.

Tyler grabbed Josh's hand and squeezed it lightly with a smile. Josh returned it as his trembling hand held Tyler's firmly.

They followed the man through a long hallway and into a lobby.

"If you'll wait here, they'll be with you both in a few minutes", the man told them. Tyler nodded and thanked him, and Josh did the same. The man disappeared and Tyler looked around.

"Let's sit down", he said as he grabbed Josh's hand again and lead him to a couch. He sat down and Josh followed. Tyler grabbed Josh's trembling hand in his own two hands as he sat on the edge of the couch, resting his hands and Josh's hand atop of his knees.

"Don't be so nervous love, you already talked to Matt. And the man called us their friends", Tyler giggled.

Josh nodded as he bit his lip. "I know but... It's surreal I can't believe this", he sighed softly.

"You'll be okay, we'll be okay. I'm right with you here. They're just people, like us", Tyler said. Josh nodded. "Yeah, you're right", he smiled at Tyler.

"Josh, Tyler", they heard a voice speak up. They both lifted their heads up to where the voice came from, and were met with a smiling Matt and the other three guys. Both Josh and Tyler immediately stood up out of respect for the four band members that took the time to hang out with them after a show.

"So great to see you both again, and nice to meet you Tyler", Matt smiled as he gave them both a hug.

"This is Padge, Moose and Jamie", he introduced them.

"Guys, this is Josh and his husband Tyler", Matt told his friends.

The three band members gave both Josh and Tyler a hug.

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