Getting Caught up

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Julia's P.O.V

After kissing Spencer we spent so much time together. I came to visit him at work brought him coffee. But we still weren't dating. I wanted to finish school before I got into a relationship but we were still close. But most importantly I finally got to go back to the FBI academy. I could finish my training and see spencer everyday. All the time, plus i could travel. I was in fact graduating tomorrow. I had picked up my uniform it fit perfectly. I had been waiting to wear this uniform forever. I stayed in the hospital 3 days after the kiss. Spence stayed by my side the entire time. I can't wait to graduate, we an finally be together. Someone knocked on the door. "Coming," I said. "hey," I said opening the door to see spencer leaning against the frame. "Hey beautiful," he said giving me a big hug. Since the incident with Jonathan, Spencer had been my best friend. He kept me safe. He made me feel safe. I loved when he hugged me because because I felt safe. I felt like nothing could hurt me nothing could get to me. "so your graduation is tomorrow. Are you excited?" he asked smiling at me. "Of course," I said. "Can I kiss you at graduation you know since we can finally be together." "I'd love that." I said giggling. "Come sit down I was just getting some last minute things ready for tomorrow." I said. He went to go sit down on the couch. "Are you kidding me?" I said laughing at him. "You can sit in my bedroom since that is where I am." I said pulling him to the bedroom. I walked in to my uniform lying on the bed. My white gloves and hat right next to it. "reminds me of mine." he said staring at the uniform. "Yah." I said still stunned I would be graduating tomorrow. "I can't wait to see you in it tomorrow." he said. "So who's coming to see you?" He asked "this is a big day for you." "Well, since I don't have any family you, Hotch, Derek, Garcia, JJ, and Rossi." I said. These people were my family. I had seen them almost everyday. Hotch was like my dad. He was protective of me, he almost never smiled but somehow I could get him to smile. He has a son name Jack. Jack was the cutest thing ever. Spencer has fallen in love with Jack. Derek, teases Spence all the time. Don't tell him I told you but I think him and Garcia have something between each other. Garica is blonde and perky and I absolutely love her so much. She is so outgoing and she wants me and Spencer to date. JJ stands for jennifer Jareau. She is blonde and she has a kid and a husband so she gives me life advice. After spencer, JJ and garcia are my besties. I couldn't live with out them. "I am going to make you dinner tonight." spence said snapping me out of my thoughts. I had been so excited and busy preparing for my graduation tomorrow I had forgotten that I was even hungry. I checked the clock to see what time it was. 6:00. "Oh you are with what food?" I said laughing as he walked to the kitchen. "The food in your kitchen." "okay" I said laughing as I realized there is nothing in my kitchen except junk. Spencer came back with the few things I had in my cabinets. "really, takis, oreo's, and chip's ahoy cookies. Are you kidding me?" he said. "life of a student" I said laughing at his reaction. "I'll order chinese food, my treat." he said. "you know I can't wait to be with you." I said hugging him.

**Spencer's P.O.V**

After I ordered the chinese I helped her decide on what makeup to where to her graduation. "I didn't know one person can have this much makeup." I said laughing. She laughed, "Yah I have alot. Are you sure this is what you like?" I picked something very simple for her. I chose a light pink shimmery lip gloss and some mascara. She looks beautiful with just simple make-up. Well at least I think she does. She will tell you she looks like she just rolled out of bed. I can't wait to date her. suddenly the doorbell rang. "Hey spence can you get that?" she asked from the closet. "course jewels." I said walking down the hall to the door. I call her jewels because I just didn't like calling her julia I wanted a nickname for her. She loved it. I looked through the peephole to see the too see none other than the delivery girl. "Hi" she said. I smiled at her. "your total is 27.50." "thanks" I said. I closed the door and called Julia for dinner. "Where do you want to eat?" I asked her. She has a beautiful glass dinning room table but she never used it. "In here is fine, we can watch something on t.v." she called from the bedroom. Julia didn't have a T.V. in the living room because she had to have the t.v. on when she went to bed. I walked down the hall to see her dressed in some sweats and a t-shirt from pink. She had no makeup on and she just had her long redish brown hair hanging down her back. I think that is when she looked most beautiful. I sat down on her bed with the food. she grabbed her food and started eating. After we finished eating. "Spence,?" "yeah?" "can you just stay at my place tonight. I have been having really bad nightmares. I actually need to get some  sleep big day tomorrow." she said. "Of course."  she snuggled into me and I put my hand around her very protectively. I really did love her. I couldn't wait to see her graduate tomorrow and become one of us. I fell asleep to some show called Family Guy. I thought it was so dumb but it made Julia laugh. So I figured why not. I fell asleep thinking about Julia.


**Hey guys, so thanks so much for reading the first chapter. I hope you like it. Thanks so much for supporting me in writing and messaging me. And telling me this is amazing thanks so much I will update every day. KISSES XOXO**

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