Dinner With the Team

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**Julia's P.O.V.**

I woke up later than I planned and Spencer was going to be here any minute. I was running so late. I hopped in the shower. I quickly washed my hair and my body then hopped out. Now it was time to go get dressed. I couldn't curl my hair if it was wet so then I decided to flat iron it. It gave my hair some volume when I flat ironed it. I had no idea how but I liked it. Then I ran to grab the makeup supplies and put the makeup on. The eyeliner was way harder then I thought. I think it was because I was till sore from the explosion. A shutter ran through my body just thinking about it. But right now I had no time to think I had to hurry and get dresses. I put on the dress on rather quickly. I laced up the front. Then I heard the doorbell ring. I ran to put the shoes on which it was a little harder to run once the shoes were actually on. I quickly dumped the contents of my old bag into the Betsey bag I had choosen. I took one last look at myself in the mirror. Its as good as it is going to get. I ran to the door. "Hi." I said. Spencer wasn't wearing the normal sweater vest and white shirt. I liked this outfit. He wore a grey t-shirt that kinda showed off his muscles. He wore gray-ish jeans. and black converse. But they were the low cut. "You look handsome." I said smiling. "You as always look beautiful." he said smiling back. "Oh this old thing? took me five minutes." I said laughing. He thought I was exaggerating. But really I did this in five minutes. "Let's go" I said taking his hand. "Alright."

**twenty-five minutes later**

We finally got to the restaurant. When we got there I was so ready to eat. When we got out of the car Spencer took my hand. I really did love him. We walked to the resteraunt. I looked up at the resteraunt we were at Benihana. I was really excited. We walked in to see JJ and Henry, Derek, Garcia, Rossi, and Hotch. "Look who decided to show." Derek said smiling at us. "Hey smiles." I said giving him a hug. "Ooh look at pretty boy." Derek said looking at Spence. We always saw Spence in the normal get up. We were suprised to see him out of the same old outfit. I looked at the car seat that JJ was holding. "Awwww, Hi baby." I said looking into the car seat. "Can I hold him?" I asked smiling at her. "Sure." she said smiling plus the car seat weighs so much less with him not in it. I picked up baby Henry. He was so cute. I held him like he was my own baby. I wanted to have kids one day. Spencer put his arm around my waist. "He is cute isn't he?" he asked. "Yes he is beautiful." I said. Spencer and I were both smiling down at Henry. It was like those photos that people take when they first have there babies. I hated those pictures so much but I would probably end up taking them when I have my baby. Spencer and I had both talked about having kids. He and I both wanted one. We weren't even married though so it didn't matter. "Hi follow me." A waiter said snapping me out of my thoughts. We all followed the waiter. I was still holding the baby. I noticed there outfits. Garcia was wearing a teal and black polka dot halter dress with killer black heels. Her blonde hair was curly. She looked so cute. JJ was in a baby pink dress with white lace. She was wearing white stiletto heels. Us girls were killing it. Rossi, Hotch, and Derek were all in suits. They all looked very handsome. We were all ready to eat. I sat next to JJ because I had her baby in my hands. I also sat next to Spence. We all ordered and ate. We had an amazing time. Before we ate the baby fell asleep in my arms. It was magical. I had a way with kids. They loved me just as much as I loved them. I put Henry in his car seat and put his blanket around him. He was so beautiful. After dinner Spence drove me home. It felt so good to get out of those heels. I sat down on the couch next to Spence. He hugged me. "You and Henry were adorable together. You looked so happy." he said still holding me. "Yah I love kids, I hope to start a family one day with the perfect person." I said knowing exactly who the perfect person was. The perfect person was the man holding me in his arms right now. "That is what I wanted to talk to you about. Julia since the moment I layed eyes on you I fell in love. I wanted you to be mine. I got to know you and only fell deeper in love. I have never really met a women that was so strong and so independent. I knew from the moment I met you that I was going to marry you. I was going to start a family with you. I knew that I loved you. I knew that I would want to be with you forever.  I know you may not be perfect in your eyes, but to me yu are everything I could ever ask for you are perfect to me. So that being said, Julia Santos, will you do the honor of marrying me?" he asked getting down on one knee. "Spencer Reid, of course I will marry you." I said through my tears. This was perfect my life was perfect.


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Hey you guys thanks so much for reading. What did you think? I loved writing this chapter it was so magical. Thanks so much for being so supportive. Also book three will be posted as soon as possible keep an eye out for it. Thanks for sticking with me and thanks for reading. KISSES XOXO

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