The case

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**Julia's P.O.V**

My first case was horrible. I was used as bait. Because I had brown hair and green eyes they decided to send me in with that freak. His name was Timothy Rivera and this guy was creepy. When we first met he took me to Starbucks and we had coffee. While at Starbucks he gave me a gift. It was a beautiful Calvin Klein dress. "oh you really didn't have to." I said to him. "of course I did. I want you to wear this on our next date. And make sure your hair is curled." He said. "I like a girl with curls." "Well then of course I will." For now I was staying in a safe house because they didn't want him picking me up at my actual house. However my safe house was different. It wasn't in the middle of nowhere it was in a very big city. It was very beautiful. It almost looked like it came out of Sex and the City. I would love too live there. I went to sleep after calling Spencer.I loved him so much and I wanted to be home curled up next with him.

**The next day with the case**

**5:00 P.M.**

I put on the dress that the stupid creep gave to me. The dress really was beautiful I had to admit that, however I knew who gave it to me. What if Spencer gave it too me? I would be the happiest girl in the entire world. I got a call on my phone. Well it wasn't my phone, it was the one they gave me for the case. The name that was calling me was creep. I knew automatically who it was. "Hi!" I said. "Hi, sweetheart." he said "I am going to send you the address of the place." "Okay thanks. Bye see you soon." When I got to the place I was really surprised. It didn't look like the kind of place that would have a kidnapper waiting for you. I walked in and looked around. I was acting like I was looking for him but really I was looking for my team. I noticed each one of them sitting around having dinner with each other. Derek and Garcia were having a lovely meal, I was hoping that the would be paired together. They were my O.T.P (one true pairing). I looked around and saw Spencer he was paired up with JJ. I was glad that he was paired up with JJ. She was one of my best friends and I trusted her with my love. All I could think about was Spencer and getting home to cuddle with him. We hadn't moved in officially but we had talked about it. I really did love him. Suddenly I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. "Hey sweetie!" he said. "Hi," I said turning around to face him. I was suddenly over come by fear. Be strong.....Be strong.......Be strong I told myself over and over. I knew I had to be strong, I wonder if it was this hard for them the first time they went undercover. Our waiter walked us over to the table.  "Can I get you some drinks?" our waiter asked us. "Can I get a whiskey on the rocks and for the lady...." "Oh a dry martini." I said finishing his sentence. I know I wasn't really suppose to drink while I was working but I just needed a drink. Besides I had to play along. Was this playing along? Well Timothy sure did think so. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Spencer watching me. God I wanted that to be me at the table with him, not JJ. Spencer and I still hadn't even had a chance to go on our first date. I hadn't had a great track record with boyfriends so I wanted this one to really be good. Dinner seemed to go by so fast. He paid the waiter and then we walked outside. "Walk with me." he said smiling very kindly. "Okay." I said rather calmly. On the inside I knew something bad was going to happen. He took me behind a building. "Where are we going?" I asked. Suddenly he threw me to the ground. Because I was in platform heels I couldn't keep my balance. He knocked every bit of air out of me. I sat up gasping for air. He grabbed my wrist very forcefully. He took out what looked like a pen. But when he took the cap off I instantly knew what it was. It had a glowing orange end with the letters H.S. I knew instantly he was going to put the brand on me. "FBI I freeze put your hands in the air!" Derek yelled making the guy stop in his tracks. I got up and pulled handcuffs off of Spencer's vest. "Allow me." I said, not even bothering to take off the killer heels. "You have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney if you cannot afford one then one will be provided." I said. I sounded quite confident I was very surprised. "Let's go" I said walking over to a squad car. This creep was going away for a long time. I pushed him into the back of a squad car. After I watched the car drive off I walked over to Spencer. "Not gonna lie, you look hot." He said leaning down to kiss me. "Yeah I think so. I couldn't wait to be home with you again." I said. "I love you, and I am glad you are safe." "I love you too." I really did love him.

After Graduation (book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon