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**Alright I feel like I have made you guys suffer enough. Here is the new update.**


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(I think this is Emily but we will make this Julia)

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(I think this is Emily but we will make this Julia)

**Julia's P.O.V**

I woke up gasping for air. I couldn't breathe. "Julia!!!" I heard someone yell this time I knew  who it was. It was Derek. "Julia." I heard Spencer's voice. I still couldn't breathe. I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything. I could only look around. Come on Spence please help me  I thought to myself. "I found her." yelled Spencer. I saw him running over. "Julia, Someone call an ambulance. Julia stay with me. please." He said while starting to cry. "Please stay with me. Please I love you and can't live without you. Please." Now he was crying. I just want to hug him. I want to hug him and tell him I love him. I felt myself being lifted by Spencer. My mind flashed back to the moment I first laid eyes on Spencer. Derek pulling Jonathan up. Spencer running to my side lifting me up. Us talking in the hospital. Me getting out of the hospital. Me graduating. Our first Kiss. Our first date. My first case. Me going undercover. Going out with JJ, Spencer, and Derek. Falling asleep with Spencer by my side. The pictures.  Going to work the next morning. The explosion. Wanting to hug Spencer. I was put on something like a bed. The doctor's put a blanket over me and put straps around my waist and chest securing me to the stretcher. I got to the hospital very quickly. They treated me very quick. I was there number one priority. They put something inside of my IV. I fell asleep soon after.

**Spencer's P.O.V.**

I was stuck sitting in the waiting room. I had a cut to my head. They put a couple of white strips of medical tape over them. I told them it hurt so they gave me an advil. I was so tired. I wanted to sleep but I was not going to leave Julia. How did this even happen. I mean obviously there was a bomb somewhere but I didn't know where. I didn't know how it got there. I just wanted her to be okay. "Spencer Reid?" Said a doctor. "Yes." I said standing up. "She is out of surgery. She is up and talking. She asked for you specifically." "can I see her?" I asked quite anxious. "Of course. Follow me." I was having serious flashbacks to the day I met Julia. Picking her up off of that table. Running her to the EMT's. Seeing her awake for the first time in the hospital falling in love with her all at once. Telling her about myself. "Here we are." The doctor said snapping me out of my thoughts. I walked in to see her sitting up and smiling at me. I ran in and gave her the most passionate kiss I have ever given anyone. "I love you so much. I was so worried. Don't ever leave me." I said crying. "I won't, I never will. I love you so much." She said hugging me and crying into my shirt.


**Hey guys Julia is okay. You can all breathe now. I love you all and thanks so much for reading. I am so close to 100 reads on this book. Please tell friends. I love getting messages from you guys it bring me so much joy. Also I am done updating my friends account she has it back now. Thanks for being so patient. KISSES XOXO <3**

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