chapther 14 - Awakening of the Tree princess

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Stella, Nathi and Cathy pass out and Joshua went to Nathi side trying to wake her up.

Suddenly their body flew up and their eyes opened, but their eyes was red as blood.


"YEAH" said a voice full of anger comming from Cathy and Stella.

"WE WON'T LET YOU DESTROY OUR KINGDOM!" said the king of Dres Van.

"Well, let's see if you can stop me!" The dark Nathi said and a dark mist come out of her body and hit the tree. The second it hit by the dark mist they wilted. The six princes look shocked,while they look shocked, the kings of the six Kingdom have a stick, which comes bright mist out of it. The king of Dres Van, Liberty and Alteria is trying to hit their daughter.

"STOP IT!" Theirs son shout in union.

"You will hurt our real sister" Shout Prince Joshua panicked.

"She is not your sister anymore, she is a intruder, who would destroy our kingdom"

"The real Nathi is not! Only the person inside her body is!"

Right then, King and queen of Nerwan, together with their son has arrive.

"You pretty much know, that we need to work together if we are gonne save our kingdom. Even thought we hate each other. " the king of Dres Van said clinging hit fist.

"As much I hate to admit it, you are right "  the king of Nerwan said and  cursing. Leo went were Joshua was standing.

" I am sorry ,but I  was eardropping and hear you conventasjon, and I am agreeing with prince Joshua. Princess Nathi is not evil, only the person inside her is" Leo said Joshua gave him a high five.

"WHAT.....are you two friends!!" Shout their father angry.

" We want to change the history of were we always fight with each other. We want to coperade and be friends and bring peace to our kingdom instead of fighting" Prince Joshua said with a hint  seriousness in his voice.

" we will discuss about this afterward,but now we need to concentrate to this" king of Nerwan said and look at the three princess who have wiltned the flower,tree and some of the building.

"Prince Joshua, it is the person inside Nathi who is the leader. If we do something about her then the other would follow her lead." Said Prince Edward and looking at Stella worried.

"Yes,prince Edward. You are right. But the question is how we gonne do it without hurting the real Nathi"

"Hmmm I thing I have a plan. Kiss is  magic. If I plant a kiss on her lips maybe maybe she will awake." Leo thought was trying to find a perfect time to kiss her.

Joshua saw a smirk on Leo's face and didn't seem to like the idea he had.
Leo found the perfect moment and try to kiss her,but the dark Nathi didn't let the guard down and avoid the kiss, Leo never give up. So right after she avoid the kiss he try to kiss her and that was a success.

(Real) Nathi's P.O.V

I met a hard, but a soft lips plant on my lips. I want more....more.

The lips went apart and I open my eyes to see Leo in front of me. He ...

"YOU STUPID!!!"I shot and kick him between his knees.

"Owww...yup Nathi is back." Leo said in pain. When I looked around to see both Stella and Cathy in the ground other watching us in quite, while Keith and wills look down in ground.

After some years Leo and Nathi fell in over with each other and got married,nlt only for love but for Kingdom too.  They married each other so the long history of their country fighting would end.

Stella and Prince Edward  got married and move into his house. Roberto was so sad so he Was always finding excuse to meet Stella. Once they become king and queen  she forbidden Prince Roberto to enter freely.  Hehe poor prince Roberto leaving all alone,no he has his butler Al. 😆😜

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