An old(ish) sketch dump!!

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Faces, Faces galore!!! XD

Well as you can see i was practicing drawing straight on face profiles. They're all random people that I came up with as I was sketching...they aren't from anything.
I tend to do that quite a lot when I'm practicing drawing...I just draw whatever I see in my mind at that it's not planned out at all. Lol

But looking at these sketches from January I feel as though I've improved a lot since then. (At least I hope! XD ) I like to feel as though I'm always moving forward when it comes to art, always improving and getting better at what I do. I believe in constant growth no matter the skill level. :3

I hope you like some if these random characters though XD I personally like the top guy with the spiky hair and the bottom girl on the right side.

What about you? X3

Thanks for viewing!~
ԅ( ˘ω˘ ԅ)

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