Clay Princess Luna!

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Back when this was made virtually no one was making Luna figures and this baffled me because she would make suck a pretty figure! At this time the only clay i worked with was air dry clay. (From the dollar store) so that's exactly what she's made from! Dollar store air dry clay. XD

And let me tell you it was NOT easy to work's very messy, doesn't hold its shape, and it's very tricky attaching parts without it looking terrible and uneven. BUT despite the difficulties, it was a pretty cool experience. It always seems like you learn the most from the hardest experiences. ^^

Oh! And my mom had got this metalic blue paint for a project but she never ended up using it, so she have it to me and i thought it would work perfectly for Luna's pretty shimmery starry night mane and tail. :3 i also added clear glitter peices to represent stars!

Someone liked it so much they ended up buying it from me! So that was pretty cool. *^*

Thanks for viewing!~

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