Chapter 2: Fazbear's Fright

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Time skip~~

A few weeks after uncle had told me that he was opening a museum, it was finally open to the public. The place was packed the first day. I was upset that I couldn't be there, since I was finishing up some things at the restaurant. Uncle was there though.

Some people were so interested to see what had really happened in the history of the pizzeria. Some people came to see the old relics because it brought back memories. Whatever the reason, opening night was a huge success.

I got home late at night that night. Uncle still wasn't home so I was happy I could cook some dinner, which didn't think take me long, but we had both been so busy lately that I hadn't been able to cook us a decent meal. Yes, I still lived with him. He hadn't found anyone in his life yet, and we were way too busy for love anyway.

Uncle came home after I had made some lasagna. It was cheesy. Who doesn't like a little extra cheese?? ...ok alot extra cheese. Anyway, he came home with a little bag, one that looked all too familiar. I could tell something was up though, he didn't have a smile on his face.

"Hey Uncle, how did it go?" I asked, giving him a plate of lasagna and some garlic bread.

"We'll talk about that in a minute. This smells heavenly!" He breathed in the delicious fumes a few times before continuing the conversation. I just waited. "I brought some ice cream."

It was not my favorite ice cream. I worried for the news I was about to receive.

" isn't too bad.. but there is something." I guessed.

"Bingo." He smirked. And without touching our food, we began eating our ice cream. "Today went great, except..."

"Except...?" I repeated, trying to compel him to continue.

"Something went on at the museum. Everyone was spooked."

"What happened?"

"I don't know. I suppose that's what I get after purchasing an old run down building huh? The venting system sucks, and not to mention the circuit board is shot to hell. Can't even get a solid 10 minutes on the cameras before you have to reboot the damn thing."

"Well, maybe we can fix it. A circuit board isn't something we aren't used to." I smiled to encourage him.

"Perhaps..but the people that showed up were really scared about something. We may have to close."

"Or...maybe we can make it a horror attraction!!" I jumped up and threw my hands in the air enthusiastically.

"You know..that's not a bad idea." We can close tomorrow and begin preparing for that if that's what we have to do.

"Ok, so what do we do about it tonight then? Lock up?"

"I hired a security guy. Atleast let him finish tonight's shift before we break the news to him."

That night when I went to sleep, I dreamed of them again.

"(Y/N)." Ben came to me, but he was alone. "The others are gone, and I am alone. I have no idea where they are!"

"What do you mean? Where could they have gone?"

"I don't know! I'm so scared, (Y/N)!"

"Sh..." I held him to calm him down. "We will find them together. But I wouldn't know where to look or...why they left you behind."

"I'll look here, and join you soon."

I woke up before I could ask what he meant. How could he possibly join me in my search?

I looked at my clock near my shelf with my plushies. It was really late in the night, like 4am. I couldn't even think about getting back to sleep though. I turned on my light, and realized the marionette was missing.

"Whoever the hell came into my room is gonna get it." I mumbled to myself and yawned.

I walked down the hall to tell Uncle of the dream I had, but he wasn't in his room. I then made my way downstairs and found that all the lights were turned off.

I turned on some lights in the house and looked around for Uncle, but he wasn't there. I had hoped he fell asleep in the living room like he had done often. Upon further investigation, in the corner of my eye I saw the lights flashing on the home answering machine. I pressed the button to hear it;

"Mr (L/N)! This is your newly hired security night guard...yah there is DEFINITELY something going on here! I have been hearing noises in the vents and I swear I see someone staring at me through the cameras when I'm not rebooting them! Please come to the museum ASAP!"

And with that, I grabbed my car keys, locked the house up behind me, and sped to the museum like my life depended on it.

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