Chapter 8: Night 3 Part Two

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Uncle's POV

"CupcakeChica to Golden1!" I heard Clara say. It took me a second to remember that Golden1 was me.

"Go ahead CC." I reply.

"Springtrap in near you. He looks like he is about to enter the room you are in."

I looked at my watch. 3 am. Bout damn time.

I readied my assault rifle and waited for the bastard to confront me. I knew I couldn't kill him. But I would be damned of I let him get my girl.

Your POV

"So, Marty, why are you here? Did he...did he murder you too?" I asked.

"Didn't the others tell you about me?" He asked in return, with slight irritation in his voice.

"" I was almost afraid to answer.

"Hmph. Well I know all about you. They talked about you nonstop. Anyway, to answer your question, yes. He did murder me. I was the first."

I just started at him for a moment before he continued,

"It was before you all were threatened. Weeks, maybe even months before. I don't remember. Anyway, I met everyone after they were killed. They wanted revenge for ruining what was supposed to be such a happy day...and for taking them away from you."

"I see.." Was all I could think of to say.

"I was the one who had given them life in the animatronics. I was the one that made them deadly towards the night guard. However... Even when the others felt they could rest, I could not, as I knew he still lived. I came here to finish the job. Will you help me?"

"Of course! That's why I'm here. But Uncle said we can't kill him. Is that true?"

"You can't kill what's already dead, that is true. He needs to move on. He will not go willingly unless you are dead. So our only option is to make him."

"Make him move"

"We will pit him in so much pain that he will wish he was not of this earth! We will BURN HIM!"

Though I thought Springtrap deserved it, I kinda felt sorry for him. I thought maybe that it should have been more humane, but Marty had his mind made up. I saw the fire in his eyes. He wanted to show him how they were made to suffer. The way Vincent died was not enough.

" you know how I can find Sai and the others?"

"I know where they are. They are locked away. I put them in a safe place so that they wouldn't be hurt again. When you found Clara, the cupcakes acted as a key. The others have keys too."

"Can you show me? Please, I wish to see them."

"Of course. With you here, I know they will be perfectly safe. The trick is, you have to find them before the shift is over, and avoid Springtrap altogether."

"I see. Well, let's get started!" I cheered enthusiastically. Marty held his hand in front of him, and it started to glow. He reached for my forehead.

"Brace yourself." He warned right before he touched my forehead. When he did, I began to see pictures rapidly flashing through my head!

First, the cupcakes I found made its way to my vision. Next, I saw numbers like a combination or something. Then, I saw a black bunny doll on the desk in my office. Finally, a picture of a boy with a balloon.
I fell to my knees, as my brain could hardly keep up with the pictures. I needed a moment to recollect.

"Thank you." I placed my hands on my forehead. "I know what to do now."

Ben's POV:

I was keeping in touch with (Y/N), and Clara was constantly updating Mr. (L/N). We had come up with that system to stay more organized. The two of us made sure the ventilation was up and running, and kept rebooting the cameras when we needed to. It would have been a shame if we didn't have eyes on them at all times.

At the moment, (Y/N) was talking to the marionette. I didn't expect to see him here, though this was all possible because of him. After a few minutes of talking to each other, they made their way back to the office.

(Y/N) seemed to have a blank look on her face when the two of them met up with Clara and me.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"She is fine." Marionette answered. "I just showed her the keys."

Still, I thought it was a good idea until she was lucid, to look after her. She just sat there, in the corner of the office staring at the floor.

Uncle's POV

"Didn't think I'd ever see you again." Vincent scoffed as his dead eyes stared into my soul. "You of all people know I can't be killed."

"Yah, I know. But see, with (Y/N) here its my job to make sure she isn't harmed." I smiled. "I didn't come here to kill you, I came here to beat your ass."

"This suit is like armor." He chuckled evilly. "Good luck."

I readied my gun as he charged at me. I shot at him with my assault rifle, but it didn't seem to hurt him. It was a stress reliever on my part though. God sometimes I missed being a cop.

Your POV:

I got up, and felt a pair of arms around my waist to keep me from falling. I kept seeing a flash of a hall with pictures of a boy with balloons on it. He looked a lite bit like the hallucination I had of the boy that jumped at me.

"(Y/N) where are you going?" Clara asked as I began leaving the room slowly. I didn't answer.

I ran my hands slowly down the walls decorated with children's drawings. None of them looked like the one in my vision. Soon I found it though, and anxiously grabbed it, hoping to immediately see one of my friends.

I did.

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