Chapter 7: Night 3 Part One

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11pm. I had rested. I had eaten. I was ready to go. I knew I couldn't kill you alone, Springtrap. But now that I had everyone back on my side, your days were numbered.

"(Y/N), ready to go?" Clara asked me, snapping me out of my daze. I nodded. I was beyond ready. The next time I saw that monster I was gonna mess him up. Maybe.

We all grabbed our things and went downstairs to leave the house again. On our way, we bumped into Uncle who was just enjoying a cup of coffee. He just stood there, and looked at the three of us, then sighed.

"Only in this house..." he then proceeded to walk away. He didn't even ask.

"Okay...what was that about? He didn't even say hello!" Ben felt insulted. He saw Uncle as a father figure too. "GOOD TO SEE YOU TOO MR. (L/N)!"

I snickered. "Well, he probably just isn't surprised that you're here. I mean since Vincent is there, so why not?"

"Doesn't mean he can ignore me.." Ben pouted.

"Relax, I was coming back." Uncle came back with a jacket, an assault rifle, and a black duffle bag. He sat on a stool in the kitchen where we were and began to load his gun.

"Hi, Mr. (L/N). Long time no see." Clara chuckled.

"Hey, Clara. Hey, Ben. It's good to see the two of you. However I'm sorry about why you have to be here. That's why tonight, I'll be at the museum with you."

"What?" I asked, shocked. Suddenly Uncle had taken an interest in helping with what was going on.

"You're going back there, so that means Vincent is still wandering. Right? I can help at least keep him busy until the end of the shift." He handed me a headset, that we could communicate with. "You two will be in the office telling (Y/N) and I where he is. You will have walkies, and keep constant communication."

"Uh..yes sir." Ben agreed.

I guess Uncle still had a little bit of a policeman in him. I didn't mind doing what he said though. Out of all of us, he knew the most about Vincent.

I drove us to the museum and we immediately began working on formations and strategies for the third night. I'm not gonna lie, I felt like I could have been part of the FBI.

That night, Uncle was to be a diversion in the right side if the museum, where Springtrap would show up more often. I was a little uneasy about that, but Uncle assured me he would be fine. I was to find relics, or something to bring the other three to us while Springrap was distracted. Clara and Ben were to remain in the office, and keep in contact with us through walkies which would transmit to Uncle and I in our earpieces, as well as keeping the ventilation system up and running. It was going to be tough, though it sounded easy.

"Are you ready to go, (Y/N)?" Uncle asked, as the shift was about to start.

"I'm good." I replied, and fixed my ear piece. I held my bo staff in my hands and stretched, as Uncle and I got ready to sprint to our positions.

"Be careful, okay?" Clara hugged me. "And good luck."

Uncle and I then made it to our positions on opposite sides of the museum.

"Fazbear1 in position!" I felt the need to report.

"Really (Y/N)? With the codenames?" Ben asked.

"Actually, that's not a bad idea." Uncle laughed. "What if he can hear our conversations? In this case, I'll be Golden1."

"Golden?" I chuckled.

"What. Out of all of them, he was the ONLY one that didn't freak me out."

Apparently, Ben and Clara took offense to that.

"Chica wasn't THAT scary!" Clara yelled so loudly, it actually kinda hurt my ears. "She was the most beautiful chicken ever!"

I decided to stay out of that one. Chica used to scare me too.

"And Bonnie was actually really cute! Like the frickin easter bunny!"

Again, I decided to stay out of it.

"Calm down! What are your codenames?" I began to lose patience.

"I'll be... Ooh the violet cadbury." Ben seemed a little too excited to have a codename. At the same time, I was a little envious that mine wasn't as creative.

"And I'll be Cupcake Chica!" Clara happily sang.

"Good it's set then." Uncle stated. It was silent after that, so I just began to look around for anything useful.

A half hour had passed and there was no sign if Springtrap, or anything that would pass as a relic.

"Violet Cadbury to Fazbear1" Ben suddenly spoke and sounded confused.

"Go ahead VC." I replied.

"There is something in the room next to you. It doesn't look like Springtrap, but it wasn't there a few moments ago."

"I'll go check it out."

When I got to the next room, I saw what Ben was talking about. A tall, thin figure was just standing there against the wall. I readied my bo staff.

"...(Y/N)? Are you (Y/N) (L/N)?" He asked suddenly and just jumped out at me. It startled me just a bit so I ... I kinda grabbed him and threw him to the floor.

"Who are you, and how do you know me?!" I yelled, but I didn't really give him a chance to speak, as I held his head so his face was against the floor.

"Y/N)! Let him go! We know him, he is a friend!" Clara yelled at me. I quickly stood up, and helped the tall guy to his feet. He had a pale face, and wore black with stripes on the sleeves of his shirt.

"You're a friend I hear. Lucky you." I smirked. "Sorry, about that. You startled me."

"Sheesh. Do you always tackle someone who startles you?" He brushed himself off.

"Yes..."Ben mumbled. I ignored him.

"It could have been worse. Anyway, I am (Y/N), to answer your question. Who are you?"

"My name was Marty. But I haven't gone by that name in a long time. I am known as the Marionette."

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