Chapter 11:Night 5

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I had been asleep for a long time, this time. It wasn't like the others where I had only slept for a few hours I had slept this time for nearly a whole day. When I finally came to, it was almost time to go back to the museum.

I opened my eyes and there was a bright light. My eyes hurt from adjusting.

"Hi, (Y/N)..." I was greeted by beautiful sapphire eyes.

"Sai...I was looking for you, but you were nowhere...I'm going to wake up soon." I put my hand on his face.

"Silly (Y/N)...the reason you couldn't find me in your dreams is because you found me. You're awake now, and it isn't a dream."

I closed my eyes, relaxing. "So this isn't a you promise?"

He just kissed my forehead in response. He held me tighter until I was completely lucid.

I noticed that everyone was in the room with me. I sat and stood to face everyone.

" is good to see you. I am so happy ..." I smiled

"This makes the second time you saved me (Y/N). What would we do without you?"

"Man.. You sure had everyone worried." Ben stated. " I mean I know you've done this more than once, but it's scary every time."

"Thank you everyone for looking after me." I bowed gratefully. "Where's uncle?"

"He went to get some gasoline." Clara explained. "We have quite the night ahead of us, huh?

"Things will not be the same after tonight." Felix explained.

I assumed that they would all be leaving again. But I felt at peace that they would be at peace forever this time.

"There is something we need to tell you after tonight is done." Sai told me in my ear, but everyone still heard.

"Please tell me you're not going to be all lovey dovey this evening. None of us need to see that." Ben complained.

I ignored Ben. They were going to leave me again, so I could be lovey dovey with Sai if I wanted to!

When Uncle returned, he had various gas cans, atleast one for each of us. He gave us a plan, that we would go in teams of two to soak the place and then meet outside. I thought it was a good idea.. I just wanted the nightmare to be over.

We went to the museum for the last time. We had the gasoline, and I carried the matches.

Midnight struck. I went with Sai, Clara was with Ben, Felix was with Marty, and Gordon was with Uncle. We began pouring gas in our assigned rooms.

"(Y/N)..."Sai looked at me as I worked. "Are you sure you're up to this?"

"What makes you think I'm not?" I looked at him. "We finally have a chance to be rid of him once and for all. And you can finally move on. There's nothing I want more than for you to be at peace. Sai...I missed you, alot. But won't you be leaving after tonight?"

He was silent. I waited for an answer, but there was none. I just continued pouring gasoline.

Finally, we had finished and proceeded to head outside and meet with the others. I was right behind Sai but I suddenly felt my arm being pulled, and my mouth being covered. I was pulled away from him and into the shadows.

"If you scream, I'll snap you in two." He threatened, but I grabbed his arm and flipped him over my shoulder.

"You again, huh.." I scoffed. "Vincent, you should know by now that I'm not a helpless little girl. Finishing the job of killing the 6 of us will not be so easy anymore."

"Funny, I seem to be invincible. You can't kill me." He laughed at my remark. "As long as you live, I will be after you. If you try to run, I'll catch you. Even until you are old, I will always find you."

That was a hell of a threat. Still, I didn't want to imagine always looking over my shoulder to see if he was following me. I didn't want to go every day for the rest of my life wondering if I was safe or in danger.  The thoughts clouding my mind put me in a daze. That is when Springtrap grabbed me by he neck and slammed me against the wall.

"You will die here! And then, I'm going to kill your uncle! Then your friends again. Maybe, I will kill them the same way I did back then."

His nonsense made me so angry! He wanted to kill the only family I had and make my friends suffer for a second time. He wanted to make Sai suffer again. I couldn't allow that. I WOULDN'T allow that!

I reached into my pocket as he held me there. I struggled to grab a match, as I was losing air, and my throat felt like it was going to collapse at any second. Finally, I managed to grab one, and strike it. I dropped it as I felt myself lose consciousness. The next thing I knew I felt something something cold on my face.

"Get up, (Y/N)!" Marty had poured water on my face. Before I responded he pulled my arm and helped me to my feet.

"He was here..." I managed to say. "Did I get him?"

Marty looked around, and decided not to answer my question. Instead, he pulled me in the direction of the exit.

"Let me save you this time!" He yelled through the noise of the crackling fire. He brought me outside, where I was reunited with everyone else. They were worried if course. Even more so when I told them what happened.

"I'm glad nothing too terrible happened!" Clara exclaimed. "It could have been much worse if Marty hadn't found you!"

"Yes....that's right. Thank you Marty." I spoke softly before coughing.

"Why does it sound like you don't even care that you could have died?!" Ben yelled.

It's because I didn't care. I would have been with my friends for sure if I had died in that building. But then...I would be leaving Uncle behind. I didn't answer him though.

"You kids...go home." Uncle told us.

"Go home??" Felix asked. "And what will you do?"

"I just want to stay. To make sure he doesn't come crawling out.  I want you kids to go."

"It's a good idea. There is something we need to talk to (Y/N) about anyway." Sai explained, and put his arm around my shoulders.

"I'm going to stay." Marty stated, going to stand next to uncle. "It had been my job to make sure Springtrap never got out. I too need to make sure he doesn't get out this time either."

We all agreed and went our separate ways. Sai held my hand on the way home, and when we got there, he sat next to me on the couch with his arm around my shoulder. I just leaned against him.

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