Chapter 6: Night Two

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Ben and I immediately began boarding up the vents when we got to The museum. We had about an hour before the shift started, and no sign of Vincent. Maybe it did work the same as when I was night guard.

"(Y/N), are you sure this is gonna work?" Ben asked.

"No idea. But it is worth a shot. I guess this is a trial and error kinda deal." I chuckled.

When we finished, I looked at the cupcakes on my desk. They seemed to be glowing somewhat. Or it could be the effects of the coffee. I had like four cups.

"Clara...I wish you were here." I muttered. Ben didn't hear me though.

The chimes went off to tell me that my shift had started.

"Let's do this.." I stated casually like taking on a haunted bunny was a nuissance. Ben looked through the cameras. I was determined to find him before he found us.

"The room near camera 10. He looks like he is trying to get in the vent." Ben reported. I grabbed a gun and my sword and headed out. Ben stayed there. I guess he felt better in the office rather than with me on the hunt.

I arrived in the room with camera 10. The air was getting a little wonky. It was due to limited air flow because we had sealed up a couple vents. We just had to push through it. I hoped Ben was okay.

I looked around and found Vincent. He just stood there, staring at me like he wasn't able to move. When I moved though, his eyes followed me.

"I survived five nights at Freddy's, you bastard. Don't think you can get the upper hand on me." I warned, right before he jumped at me with an unsettling screech. I moved just in time. "Too slow." I hit him in the back with my sword. It didn't damage the suit any further than it already was, but I did hit him with enough force to send him across the room. Then he continued to stand there. I wondered what the hell he was doing, before I got light headed.

The ventilation. I wasn't getting enough air. He knew that, and he was just waiting until I felt the affects. Smart bunny.

Everywhere I looked I was seeing vertigo. I couldn't even move my eyes without the whole room spinning. As soon as I fell to the floor, Vincent began to move, walking towards me. I saw him reach to pick me up, when someone stepped in front of me.

"You'll have to try harder than that to get (Y/N)!" I heard her voice. She wore all black; a tight tanktop, a skirt, stalkings, and a hairband. Not that it mattered, she had bright blonde hair that kinda threw it all off. She had two katanas in her hands and took the stance that proved she knew how to use them. She beat Vincent back just long enough to lift me to my feet and bring me back to the office.

"Clara?!" Ben exclaimed. "Where did--how--???" He couldn't even finish his questions.

"(Y/N) set me free." Clara explained. "But I'll have to explain later. Right now we need to get (Y/N) some air or she'll pass out!"

Ben picked me up and they bolted for the entrance. We made it, and Clara placed her sword in the handles of the door to barricade it for the time being.

"(Y/N), stay with us.." Ben waved his hand in front of my face in an attempt to give me air. But I couldn't help but close my eyes. Everything went black.

~Clara's POV~

(Y/N) had just set me free and I was excited, but I didn't even get to talk to her.

"So what should we do now?" Ben asked as he held (Y/N) in his arms. "Should we take her home and explain to her Uncle?"

"I'm not removing my sword from that door until 6am. Until then well...I guess we will just have to protect her until she wakes up." How I wished Sai, Gordon and Felix were there. We definitely couldn't take on that madman by ourselves.

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