Chapter 4

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"SOPHIEEEEEEE!" Uncle Igor yelled across the Great Hall furious with his clothes all pink.

"Get her now before I...BANG!"

He couldn't finish his sentence before a large water balloon fell on top of his head. I fell onto the floor laughing so much I swear I could've gotten abs if I kept going.  If only Vik were here to see this, he would had died of laughter or should I say drowned of laugher, haha. Suddenly I am spun around to see uncle Igor with a really angry expression. He began dragged to Merlin knows where, possibly his office though. Oh no.... I'm in massive trouble. This is the third prank I've pulled this year and it's only the second week! I'm going to get a detention for sure.

It's been 3 weeks since the World Cup and school started a week ago, so this is not good. I shut my eyes for a second and impatiently wait while I'm being dragged on the floor, but stopped as soon as I closed my eyes. Well that was a nice nap, note sarcasm.

"Now, Sophie not only is this the second week of the year this is the THIRD time you have pulled a prank"

I just mumbled gibberish in response.

I wish Vik was here, he would get me out of this in no time (considering he is Igor's favourite student besides me of course). We started to walk down the long hallways which I know we're going to his office cause I know this castle back to front.

"Now, as your punishment for today you'll be cleaning my office, with NO magic. AND you'll get two days detention for this" he says pointing to his clothes that are pink and soaked.

I groaned in frustration. Oh well I deserve it. This is the second prank this week, but I'm proud of myself. What I'm really scared of is Vik when he finds out about this

"SOPHIE LILY KRUM," Too late I am so dead.

" YOU ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE." he screams in Bulgarian. Oh, did I tell you we speak in Bulgarian to each other even though we know English.

"Shut up your so loud you're going to wake everyone up," I call back hoping he will be quiet and let me start cleaning without any worries.

Vik barged through the door to my uncle's office, yes I said uncle. His face was red and I was defiantly nervous. His face never gets red unless it's something bad, in this case for him, me getting a detention. He's always been overprotective for me and I hate it, especially with boys. He always scares them away so I never get a chance, but then again I probably scare them away too. What? I live in an all boys school, I need to defend myself from all these stinky overgrown boys I call classmates.

"Second week Sophie, SECOND week," he says to me as I continue to clean the office with what I think muggles call a cloth? I hate it when he speaks to me in Bulgarian like this, especially when where everyone can see him ranting on about me doing something.

"Vik, its only for two days, it's not bad. I've had worse you know. And calm down, I know what I'm doing, even if there's consequences" I say trying to calm him down. It's true I have had worse. It was last year midway through the year. I had decided to prank a class with a spell I had been working on for then. 'Glisseo', it turns any stairs into ramps. Unfortunately, it didn't work out like I had hoped and ended up with 14 boys in the hospital wing with multiple broken bones. That was the scariest day of my life, Vik went rage and Igor nearly expelled me. My punishment was to clean the BOY'S bathroom with NO MAGIC! I absolutely hated that day, one I'll never forget.

"But Soph, it's still a detention in the second week of the year. I just don't know what I'm going to do with you." Vik said with a sigh.

"But you LOOOVE meeeeee" I said, purposely stretching out the love me part.

"Yeah, yeah. Just hurry up would you, Igor wants us down in the Hall in 20 minutes." he said as he was leaving me here. All alone, in this office, uhhhh this is not how I wanted to spend my Wednesday afternoon.

I get started on cleaning the room. I'm used to this, I've spent more time cleaning Igor's office than I have my own room. I secretly use magic to sweep the dust into the thing that holds the dust. What? I'm not a cleaner.

About half an hour later I'm walking to the Hall, more like sprinting. I was meant to be there 10 minutes ago but I was caught up in dancing in Igor's office to a muggle song called 'Shake It Off' by Taylor Swift. It's really good!

I burst through the big doors with about 20 boys staring at me with bored yet amused faces.

"Actually nice of you to show up Sophie," Igor says. I just call him Igor cause I'm wayyyy to lazy to call him like every other teacher...

"Anyway, I've called you all here today because I want you to know that you have been chosen to represent Durmstrang at this years Tri-wizard Tournament at Hogwarts, this year there is a rule, you must be the age of 17 or older and that is why I have chosen you all," Igor says. But I stare at him with confusion, I'm not 17... I'm 15 and he should know this by now. Like seriously!

"But Soph, the only reason your going is because I don't trust you to be here all alone. You'll blow up the castle the minute I leave, plus Dumbledore wants to see you again." he says. Wow, just wow. He doesn't trust me, but I can see why. Yay, I get to see uncle Dumbles!

"Well, we are leaving tomorrow morning 8am sharp so don't be late or your left behind, now off to bed all of you." he finishes off. I groggily pull myself to go to bed and sleep, I'm so tired after this afternoon.

Looks like I'm going to Hogwarts!


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