Chapter 6

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"No." I yelled as I sat up in my bed. I was sweating and shaking. I haven't had a nightmare in years. I tried to calm myself down telling myself that it was just a dream and it wasn't back. And the truth is that it shouldn't be that bad, I've had worse and they're visions. I just haven't had a nightmare or vision for a very long time. Once I had calmed down a bit I slowly fell into a reckless sleep.


I woke up the next morning with dark circles under my eyes. I trudged over to the bathroom feeling like I would drop at any given time and sleep. I was slightly shaking but I was trying to look civilised. It took me a while last night to get back to sleep.

I had a shower and washed my hair, it was all sweaty from last night and I can't go out with it looking like that. I felt a lot better after a shower but I was still slightly shaking. I put concealer under my eyes, praying that no one would notice and put my hair into a high ponytail. Soon I was done and heading down to the great hall.

On the way I ran into a boy with platinum blonde-like hair, I swore I had seen him before, but I'm probably still paranoid about last night. I'm not thinking straight, I feel a bit loopy today, and its because of the lack of sleep. I just pray that Vik doesn't notice or he'll be questioning it.

"Hey, sorry I didn't see you there. I really should get going though cause my friends are waiting for me so I might catch ya later. BYE" I rushed out as I ran into the great hall. As I looked back I saw him chuckle to himself and enter the hall. He walked over to the Slytherin table with a smirk on his face and started talking with his friends.

I sat down at the Gryffindor table like I did last night only to find everyone quiet and unsocial this morning, well at least to me. I felt like there was something they didn't want me to know, or their ignoring me. I had stopped shaking but then so I didn't look weird or anything. They didn't even say hi....

"And good morning to you guys too." I started to ramble on "Yeah I'm ok just a bit tired, you know I can get a bit tired sometimes and last night just happened to be one of those night. But I haven't had a bad night since I..." I immediately shut up. They can't know about my past or they'll think I'm some freak.

"Since when?" Harry said with curiosity in his eyes. In fact, all of the three had the same look. 

"Nothing nothing just since my uh owl died, yeah my owl" I rushed out. The thing is I'm such a good liar, not.

They decided to drop the subject and continued to talk casually and I stated eating happily, but maybe a bit to happily for mine and their liking. I started to think about the pranks I was going to pull, I am a massive pranker and quite possibly the best. Apparently I get it from my father Dumbles says.

I was thinking of pulling one the Slytherins just for it to be funny considering they are horrible to people and I would like to avenge all those people they were mean too. But just to my luck I hear Mione say something I had completely forgotten about.

"Sophie, Whats behind your ear, it like Harry's scar on his head?"


Hey wizards and witches!!!

Please don't kill me I know I haven't updated in AGES but I here is another chappie. I know its not that good but you know.... its just a filler chapter. But seriously, please don't hate me!

~I xx

P.s if there's any mistakes let me know cause I haven't edited it yet

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