Chapter 3

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"Uh, my head hurts," I thought out loud.

"Sophie, are you ok? " Vik ran up to me

" Yeah I'm just peachy." I said clutching my head

"I was so worried about you." he started rambling on about something

"VIK, SHUT UP!? Ouch my head hurts" I groaned

He instantly shut up and let me get some rest, but stayed in the room.

Later that night consisted of us partying and me shoving in Vik's face about how I got the snitch before him.

"Sophie, we need to go back to our tent for the night, it's like 2 in the MORNING." I hear Vik yelling over the loud music we put on. Yes, we did invite the Bulgarian team so they could celebrate the close game and that they got into the finals.

"Aww, but I'm having so much fun, I don't want to leave. I..." I was cut off by him picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. Oh well, looks like I'm going to bed for the night. I had fun though.

*Time skip cause I can, hehe*

I was woken up to the sound of screaming, and not happy screams, terrifying screams. I groggily got out of my bed and walked to the end of the tent to see what was going on.

Once I reached the edge of the tent, I knew something bad was going on out there. I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, plus people were screaming. I prepared myself for the worst. I mean, what could be the worst that can happen.

As I walked out of the tent to one of the most horrific scenes ever. Ok I was over-exaggerating. I take back what I just said about how bad it can be, this is actually terrifying.

I stood there confused and scared about what was happen, when I figured it out.

Death Eaters. I could see them around the place killing everything that got in their way. I screamed and ran for my life praying that they wouldn't follow me.

I ran into the woods only to find a death eater that I didn't know, and I know quite a few.

"Well, what do we have her pretty girl?" the man asked. He stalked towards me, fear erupted in me. I was suddenly grabbed by the hand of two red-head as they passed me and ran off.

"I'm Gred." one said as we stopped running

"And I'm Feorge" the other said.

"Aww you guys get cool names like 'Gred' and 'Feorge' and I'm stuck with a boring name like 'Sophie'" I grumbled in response 

"We're only kidding, I'm Fred and he's George" Fred said

"We like you kiddo." George called as he started walking away

We started to walk back into the sea of flames and dead bodies undetected. We soon reach a family of red-head I assumed was Fred and Georges family cause well, you know why. There was also a boy with black hair and a girl with bushy brown hair. I remember them from the quidditch game! 

"Here we are! Our once humble but now destroyed abode." George said. I don't know how I know I just do.

"Thanks George" I said and walked away chuckling at their faces. I walked up to the girl and boy with their red-head friend.

"Hey, my names Sophie..."

"Krum yeah yeah we've heard it before, you know girls trying to use Polyjuice to look like her. You can't possibly be her." The red-head said. I really need to stop calling them red-heads and find out their names.

"Well I'm sorry if I have people try to turn into me and now thinking about it that sounds really disturbing and creepy. Why do people do that thats just sad. Great now I'm rambling, you know what I'm just going to go seeing as I'm not welcome here. Bye!" I said as I walked off. I probably sound like a lunatic, no wonder people think I'm weird.

"I don't think your weird" the girl from before said from behind me

"Oh my did I say that out loud again, great. Anyways I'm Sophie." I said trying to be polite

"Cool, I'm Hermione, and over there is Harry and Ron. Sorry, Ron isn't in a great mood right now and will probably be sorry later." Hermione said as we started to walk back toward Harry, who was now alone.

"Soph, where are you?!" I heard Vik shout trying to find me. Hermione looked confused.

"Well, thats my que to leave. Sorry, I might see ya later!" I called as I ran away toward Vik's calls when I was blasted back with a force and the dark mark was flown back into the air. 

Oh merlin I hate that mark with a deep passion.


I have nothing to say so ummm yeah


That Durmstrang girl (Harry Potter)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin