Chapter 9

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A/N: Thankyou guys sooooooo much for being patient with this book! Plus I know this is typical, I was going to do something else but thats for something else.


Sophie POV

As we headed onto the potions classroom me and Hermione sat at the front of the classroom. I was amazing at potions and it was one of my favourite classes that I took at school. 

The rest of the class piled into the classroom and took their seats, indicating that class was about to start when the professor walked into the room but it look like he was striding with his clock gushing out the back.

"Everyone turn to page 275" he said as he strode towards his desk. I really need to stop with the striding and stroding stuff.

"I said everyone turn to page 275 Mr Potter." the professor scolded Harry. I looked back and noticed that he hadn't had his book out, but then I looked around and others hadn't gotten their books out. He was picking on Harry and trying to catch him out.

"Um excuse me professor but I don't think you should be picking on Harry, he's probably not the only one that doesn't know the answer to some things. So maybe you should teach them and get on with class thank you." I ranted on, what? I really wanted to start potions

"Lily?" he gasped. I was so confused, what did he call me?

"Um Professor my name is Sophie, not Lily." I said, who's Lily and why did he call me Lily? His face went hard and continued the lesson

"Go get you ingredients and get to work" he snapped, I immediately ran and grabbed the ingredients I needed. Did you know I love potion? Probably but I really do it's my favourite subject besides DADA, except for the lesson earlier this today.

We got started on our potions and me being me finished first, yes even before Hermione freaking Grainger. I had half and hour left of the lesson so I just walked around helping people out here and there.


When the lesson we had to head straight to the great hall for the announcements of the champions for this stupid tournament.

We entered the great hall and headed towards the Gryffindor table. I looked around and saw Vik at the Slytherin table, and was in the middle of a conversation with Malfoy. I hate Malfoy with a passion.

We were all in conversations around the hall when Dumbledore stood up indicating to quiet down.

"Settle down everyone I have an announcement to make. Tonight we are drawing the Tri-wizard champions for this years tournament. And now the moment you've all been waiting for, the champions selection!" 

Dumbledore walked over to the goblet and dipped his hand in. I was so scared What if Vik or Cedric or Fleur get in, this tournament is dangerous and could possibly kill them.

"The Durmstrang champion is.... Victor Krum." All the Durmstrang kids, including me, started to cheer. I just hope Vik stays safe.

"The champion from Beauxbatons is.... Fleur Delacour" The girls from Beauxbatons cheered for Fleur, I don't like this. Two of my friends are in this stupid tournament.

"And the Hogwarts champion is..... Cedric Diggory" Great just great. MY three friends that I DIDN"T want to get in got in and now they are competing against each other in this stupid dangerous tournament. 

The people from Hogwarts cheered for Cedric as he walked into the champions room thingy.

Just then, the fire in the goblet went red and spat out two names. Dumbledore grabbed the names and went wide-eyed as he said,

"Harry Potter and Sophie Pot...Krum."

I was shocked, how the bloody hell did my name get in the cup?! I don't want to be in this stupid tournament anyways!

"Harry, Sophie you need to go up" Hermione said pushing us both up towards the staff table or whatever you call it. I hesitantly started walking up after Harry, hiding behind him as we reached the end of the four tables. 

It was dead silent I could hear a pin drop from miles away. I hated this type of silence, the worst of the worst.

Harry and I were led into the champions room following after Dumbledore when he turned around and came towards us

"Did you put your names in the goblet?!" he said, I saw that Vik noticed and I didn't like the face he was pulling

"No sir" Harry replied

"Did you ask one of the older students to do it for you?"

"No Dumbledore you know we wouldn't do such a thing" I cried

"Are you sure"

"Yes" Harry exclaimed

"We don't want to be in this stupid tournament anyway" I yelled, and ran out of the room. What is it with me and running out of rooms today. It seemed like someone was running after me shouting my name but I ignored it and kept running.

I didn't know where my feet were taking me but I kept running. I eventually got to the quidditch pitch and grabbed a random broom, beater's bat and bludger and started hitting it letting all my emotions out through each hit.

I did this for a while until someone grabbed the bludger, I looked over and saw Harry and flew down, I was breathing heavily and my vision started to blur.

"Sophie you hyperventilating calm down you'll be alright everything's gonna be ok" Harry said. He wrapped me up into a hug and we just sat there while tried to calm down. It was weird, I felt like I was with family, but it was nice.

We stayed like that for a long time but then I got the courage to get up and we headed back towards the castle.

Then I thought of what people would say, what would Vik say? I could help but think of the worst things and tears swelled in my eyes threatening to spill.

"Hey, its alright no ones gonna think bad of you, its not your fault and they know it." Harry reassured me. I felt better but still had a feeling in my gut.

We slowly walked back in to the castle and when we did people stared at us, no the good stare, I think it was a bad stare. I wanted nothing more than to run back out but that would show I'm weak, and I'm not weak. I've shown weakness to much today.

Harry and I walked to the common room together and talked about how stupid the tournament was and how we shouldn't be in it.

We entered the common room and everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at us fro a moment then went back to what they were doing. That was awkward...

"Sophie, Harry" Hermione's voice cam from the stars to the girls dormitories and came running towards us, embracing us in a massive hug.

"Are you guys ok? No one heard from your guys for hours and I was so worried about you two" she said, then she hit us, "Don't ever do that to me again or it'll be much worse" she joked. I wonder where Ron was,

Speak of the devil, Ron came downstairs from the boys dormitories. I spoke too soon.

"I'll let you guys have your moments I'm gonna go back to the my room and go to bed, I've had a messed up day." I said then walked back to the boat. What would everyone think of me? I don't want anything to change between us.

Harry's POV

I watched Sophie run out of the common room and turned back to Ron and Hermione. Ron had this look on his face that showed he wasn't happy at all

"Well go on, how'd you do it?" he asked, what was he talking about

"Do what?" I said, Ron looked even madder if that was possible

"You know bloody well what" he growled. This is about the tournament

"Well I didn't want this to happen, I DON'T WANT eternal glory okay?! I don't want to talk about it now" I said and stormed into our room. Why couldn't he get it through his thick skull I don't want to compete?

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