Chapter 12

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The dragon stopped, stared at me in disbelief, if they even can, and bowed its head at me, showing that I was the superior of this situation. The crowd when silent and I stared at the dragon in confusion, what the bloody hell was going on?!

I looked around at the crowd to see if anyone had their wand out or something but I couldn't see properly because they were to far away to tell. I looked back at the dragon,

The dragon stepped to its side as if the give way to get to the egg. I repeat, what is happening? It was indicating that I should go get the egg. What is this, bait to eat me or something?!

I slowly walked to the egg keeping my eye on the dragon as I headed towards the egg. I got to the egg and picked it up, this was to easy there must be a catch.

I stared into the dragons eyes in disbelief and I the crowd screamed and cheered, for I had finished. This was way to good to be true.

"What was that?" I questioned loudly to no one in particular.

"That was my apology for how I treated you." Someone said, but I didn't see anyone close to me. 

Then it dawned on me, I slowly looked up to see the dragon looking at me. This was really creeping me out.

"What? How can you understand me and how can I understand you?" I whispered to myselft then spoke up,

"What do you mean by apology?" I chose my words carefully incase she wanted to eat me if I said something wrong.

"I treated our princess with disrespect so I helped you win." She smiled, however a dragon smiles, at me. 

I screamed, backing of from the dragon. I was going insane that wasn't right, I can't talk to dragons and what does it mean by 'princess'?! I'm hallucinating, I'm going to wake up in my room and shake of this weird dream. 

I looked around frantically to spot anyone, someone please. This couldn't be real, I'm losing my mind. 

My back hit the wall and I slid down and covered my knees with my hands and started shaking. How on bloody EARTH is a DRAGON talking to ME?!

"Sophie! Sophie, calm down its ok." I heard the shout of people around me but I didn't listen, my breathing fastened and my vision blurred. I needed to get out of here.

I was picked up by someone, guessing Vik, and left he crowd. My breathing didn't slow down and my vision only got blurrier. The person could feel my breathing getting quicker.

"Soph, you need to listen to me, in and out. In and out." Vik whispered soothingly to me. My breathing slowed down, my vision slowly coming back. I looked up, tears pooling in my eyes as I hugged onto him.

"What happened in there Vik, I'm so scared and confused." I cried. I buried my face into his shoulder as I cried. I hate crying in public even though there isn't really anyone around right now. We headed to the forest with Dumbledore, McGonagall, Harry, Moody and Crouch following along. 

Once we got further into the wood, Vik put me down and I turned towards Dumbledore.

"Can someone explain to me what on earth happened back there?" I asked in my tone suddenly became quiet and calm in a deathly way. They all looked at me in shock, my comment probably surprised them. Dumbledore was the first to speak.

"That Sophie, was your powers awakening. I'm sorry you had to find out that way but we can't control these types of things." He said calmly. (hehe.) Obviously trying not to say something that could tick me off. 

"Wait, what powers?" Harry spoke up. I processed the comment, thinking the exact same thing.

"All will come in time, but for now, Sophie you are the princess of dragons and you will get powers." Dumbledore said.

"But what do you mean by powers." I cried, why is this happening. This must be some dream.

"Follow me, we'll take this conversation to my office where we can continue." And with that, he took of to his office.

I trail behind him like a lost puppy waiting for an instruction from someone. Everyone else was probably doing the same.

We made our way through the castle and got to Dumbledore's office, taking a seat.

"Now Sophie I know this has come a shock to you but I need you to understand that you will be okay and will learn to harness your power." Dumbledore said as he took a seat in the headmasters' chair. I've sat there before.

"What type of powers will I get?" I asked, everyone else probably thinking the same thing.

"Well, we won't fully know until you gain them but I know that you can control fire and talk to dragons." Dumbledore said. I swear its only me and Dumbles talking.

"But when will she get these powers?" Vik asked, ha I spoke too soon.

"She already has inherited the talking to dragons part but we will know when she gets the others. They will appear when an emotion is strongly shown." Dumbledore told Vik.

"So does that mean I will definitely get more powers?" I asked excitedly,



Hey long time no see....


I'm terrible at writing so I really struggle writing theses chapters. I never knew this book would get so far! I'm so grateful for you all and I hope you can understand that I'm having a bit of trouble with this.

If you have any tips to help me out or anything, PLEASE comment them and I will incorporate them in my writing.


Bella xx

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