Chapter 11

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Today was the first task in this stupid tournament and I really have no idea what I'm gonna do. Harry and I told Cedric about the dragons, but he doesn't know anything else I think.

We were walking through the hall when Moody pulled us aside,

"I must ask what are you guys going to do about your dragons?" he asked.

"Good question, well you see-" I started

"We haven't really thought of anything yet." Harry finished, its like we are twins of some sort!

"Well what are you strengths?" Moody asked, what a weird questi- ohhh I get it now,

"Flying" we both replied in sync AGAIN!? We looked at each other with weird looks on our faces.

"Thanks Professor." I said quickly, grabbed Harry's hand and ran out of the room. It's just creepy being in the same room and him, he has a very weird vibe...

"Harry we should fly, thats what Moody was indicating, we should use our strengths to beat the task!" I exclaimed, I am so smart aren't I..... yeah....

"But how are we supposed to get our brooms in, we aren't allowed to take them with us?" he said,

"Like this, Accio broom." I said and my Firebolt came flying towards us



I was pacing around the tent wondering what we would be doing, I noticed Harry standing beside the tent and it looked like he was talking to someone. SO me being the curious person I am, went to investigate.

"Well, what's going on here." I said lacing the accent I had grown used to over the years, I somehow could switch between accents. I may or may not have thought myself the accents... What I get bored sometimes...

Harry jumped making a space where I could see my little brainy friend on the other side.

"Hermione! Didn't expect to see you here, are you a champion too?" I asked, trying to be as dramatic as possible.

"No silly I;m wishing you guys good luck." She cried and pulled us into a hug.

"Love you to Hermione." I laughed, hugging her back.

Then, Barty Crouch, Dumbledore and Ludo Bagman came in with a bag in Crouch's hands which was moving? This indicated for Mione to leave.

"Champions, your task is currently in this bag, there are five dragons in here and you will draw out one each and that will indicate the dragon you will be going up against. You will be retrieving an egg from the dragon and get it back safely away from the dragon. Good luck." Dumbledore said as Crouch moved towards Fleur with the bag open for her to retrieve her dragon. She pulled out a greenish looking dragon, 

"Ahh a Welsh Green." Thats what it was.

Next was Vik, who held no expressions on his face, he was taught to do that. He grabbed a Chinese Fireball. Then Cedric pulled out to what I recognised as a Swedish Short-Snout.

After was Harry's turn, my insides churned, he would either get Hungarian Horntail or Norwegian Ridgeback. He dipped his hand in and came put with the Hungarian Horntail, thats means I have the Norwegian Ridgeback...

I dipped my hand into the bag to pull out the exact dragon I had expected, and to be honest I was scared.

"Now that our champions have drawn their dragons, it is time for the first contestant." Crouch shouted over the microphone to the crowd of students. 

"Fist up is Cedric Diggory, with the Swedish Short-Snout."

After some time there were cheers and screams, indicating Cedric had done it. He walked back into the tent with burns over his face and was immediately checked out by the medical staff.

Next was Fleur, she took longer than Cedric but still managed to get her egg. I found as she came back in her skirt was burnt and had been falling apart. I laughed at her but covered my left up by coughing, causing her to playfully death glare me.

Then Vik went and I wasn't that scared, he can handle a dragon, hopefully. He soon re-entered the tent clear of any injury with a scold on his face. I'd have to ask later.

Now was my turn because I don't know. Fear flashed through Vik and Harry's eyes as I went to exit the tent. I could understand why Vik was scared, but why Harry?

I exited the tent and heard cheers from the crowd surrounding the arena. The sun was shining with the cloud covering the sky. I walked to the middle of the arena to see the dragon being let out. This was my time to shine, I had to complete this. Not for me, but for Vik, Harry, Hermione and everyone else I cared for. I needed to live for them.

I ran towards the rocks and hide behind it while I tried to remember the stupid spell. Stupid nerves, now I have to wing it. I quickly thought of a plan and put it into action. I ran out from behind the rocks and straight towards the dragon. It may sound stupid, but I knew what I was doing. 

I heard screams and cries for me to not do what I was doing but I ignored it and kept running. The dragon saw me running towards it and not the eggs and became confused. This was what exactly what I wanted, distract it from the eggs and somehow get it away from it. The dragon decided not to waste anymore time and raced towards me, looking like it was about to fire. This wasn't what I planned and jumped out of the way as it blew fire towards me. I was fast but not fast enough, my right hand burnt and I cried out in pain. I tried hard to ignore the pain in my arm and formed a plan in my head, not realising that the dragon had advanced towards me.

I knew I could run so I didn't the stupidest thing anyone in the entire world, lifted my hands in front of my face, sad I know.

But the weirdest thing happened next....


I SO SORRY GUYS! I know I haven't updated for a while but I've been on holidays and I haven't had much time to write chapters for this book. The next chapter will be interesting so....

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