Chapter 7

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Hey guys a quick note here, but HOLY SH*T I HAVE OVER 1K READS!!! I can't believe it when I saw it! Thank you guys so much for the support!! By the way I haven't double checked this sooooo

Sophie's POV

"Oh this." I asked pulling my behind my ear to see a lighting shaped scar behind it. "Oh I was told that Vik wanted to be stupid and cut my hair, turned out he slipped and cut me there." I said, but they didn't believe me

"I'm telling you guys its the truth you can ask Vik and Igor if you want but I don't lie." I said a bit snappier that time cause I was getting annoyed, but they still didn't believe me so I ignored them and started eating.

"I still don't know why you guys came here" Harry said sounding confused. I just laughed at this, he hasn't told them yet hasn't he.

"Oh don't worry you'll find out soon enough." I said with an evil laugh at the end, for whatever reason I don't know. I bet he is gonna tell them this morning cause if not then there would be no point cause it would spread around like wild fire.

Then coincidentally, Dumbledore stood up from the teachers table. Either I'm just amazing or it was a coincidence.

"May I get your attention please" Professor Dumbles said "I would like to announce that this year as you would all know by now that the Tri-wizard tournament will be taking place here and will replace quidditch this year," that received a lot of boos from the Gryffindor as he continued " there will be a champion from each school to compete in this tournament. The Ministry of Magic has agreed that the competitors must be over the age of 17," he said looking directly at the twins and occasionally me. I just laughed, I would never enter this stupid competition.

"The Goblet of Fire will be set up in the hall for you to put your names in. Good luck to all you." he finished

The twin started planning a way to get into the tournament, I thought I heard something about an ageing potion.

"So if we we're of age, would you enter the tournament?" Ron asked curiously

"No" Harry and I say simultaneously. Ok that was creepy,

"It's just a stupid competition that could get you killed for glory, so there's no point in entering anyway." I said as I stood up from the table, I was full and ready to go to class.

"Um guys, I don't know what classes I'm taking so can I just follow you around for the day before I get my timetable?" I asked hoping I would I don't have any other friends here besides Fleur and Vik, but Fleur takes lessons with her school and Vik, well he's Vik and I don't think I would enjoy hanging 'round today. I love him and all but he can get really annoying sometimes.

"Sure, we have DADA with Slytherins but its usually fun." Mione said was he headed to the DADA classroom.

As we entered a man was siting at his desk, he had some sort of bad vibe about him that I didn't like so I became cautious around him and took a seat. Eventually the classroom started filling in with Gryffindors and Slytherins

"Hello class my name is Professor Moody as you should know and I will be your DADA teacher this year." he said " today we will be learning about the unforgivable curses." my heat sank at the though of any of those curses, I now wished I was with Vik.

"Which of you can tell me how many Unforgivable Curses there are? "

"Three, sir. " Mione said, I hated this class already.

"And they are so named? " looking amused as he look around the room only to stop and look at me for a second,

"Because they are unforgivable. The use of any one of them will...."

"Earn you a one-way ticket to Azkaban. Correct." he interrupted Hermione, "Now, the Ministry says you are too young to see what these curses do. I say different! You need to know what you're up against! You need to be prepared..."

"So Ms Granger would you tell me one of the curses?" Moody asked, please don't answer for the sake of my life please.

"The first one is the Imperius  curse professor." Hermione answered.

Moody left and came back with a spider and I knew what he was doing.

"Imperio" he said and the spider started floating and moving uncontrollably, I now wished I hadn't sat in the front now. Neville flinched and the Slytherins started to snicker as they weren't paying attention.

"Now, Mr Longbottom what is another curse?" Professor asked Neville. The poor boy couldn't speak, his parents suffered dreadfully from the next curse so I couldn't blame him. Then he looked at me, and I froze,

"Look who we have here, Ms Po.. Krum, do you know what the next curse is?" he asked, he knew something and I didn't like it at all. I hesitantly looked around the room for a way out of answering the question. But I couldn't so I had to answer

"The next one is the Crutiatus curse sir." I said kinda confidently but my hands was shaking underneath the table. I was terrified at what he did next.

"Crucio!" The spider fell onto the desk and crawled up and I could even look at it i was so scared.

"Stop it your scaring Neville." Harry said as Neville was shaking in his seat, but he kept going, and I finally lost it,

"STOP IT YOU EVIL BASTARD, JUST STOP IT!" I screamed at him and he just smirked again,

"Avada Kedavra!" he yelled at the spider as it dropped to the decked I screamed and ran out of the classroom to the bathrooms and just cried. It had been a long time since I cried, and I hated it. It makes you look weak and vulnerable and I can't be like that.

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