27~ Saving Monty

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I duck my head low as the elevator doors open. Two civilians walk onto the elevator, greeting me with bright smiles. I nod towards them, keeping my head low, and continue walking out and down the hallway. Even though I wasn't here very long, I still remember my way around these hallways like it was yesterday. My combat boots click against the floor as I hurriedly search for the two wooden doors that are the entrance to the bunk room where our people stay. I turn down hallways; left, right, right, left, left again, right. A never ending amount of hallways. 

And then I stop, dead in my tracks. I stand in the middle of the hallway, watching as a dozen Mount Weather guards bust down the doors of the bunk room. I shove my back against a wall on the nearest hallway, out of sight of the guards but close enough to hear what 's going on. Shouts and protests from my people come from the room. And then silence. Then a solid scream echoes throughout the hallway along with more protests. The footsteps of the guards grow louder and then grow softer and softer, telling me their running away. 

I peak my head around the corner and see the door to the bunk room about to shut. I sprint forward and catch the door handle just as the door is about to shut. I pull open the door and am faced with faces I haven't seen in a long time. They all turn to me, their faces red and some covered in tears. 

"Please don't take another." One of them in the back begs. 

"Leave us alone." Jasper yells. 

"No, no, Jasper." I begin. Jasper is thrown back by me using his name. I grab the bill of the hat I'm wearing and pull it off. My black hair falling onto my shoulders.

"Tatum?" Jasper whispers, a smile forming on his face. "Is that really you?"

I smile. "It's really me." I confirm, walking forward. Jasper runs towards me, throwing his arms around me. 

"I knew I saw Bellamy. Everyone else has been doubting me, but since you're here, I know he's got to be here too." Jasper rambles. 

"You saw Bellamy?" I ask, my eyes wide.

Jasper pulls away from me. "You didn't know he was here?" He asks in confusion. 

"The last I heard from him, he was on his way here. I never knew he made it, or if he's alive." I mumble. 

"He is." Jasper says, grabbing my shoulders to reassure me. "He has a guard uniform on just like yours."

I smile. "Great minds think alike, I guess." I laugh. I look around at all the frowning and sad faces of the rest of my people. "What happened?" 

Jasper's face turns to anger. "They're doing something awful. They're taking us. One by one, Tatum." 

"Where?" I ask, immediately.

"I don't know." Jasper answers. His eyes turn wide as he looks down at me. "They have Monty."

My face turns cold and my body stiffens. "Jasper, Monty's going to be okay."

"How do you know that?"

"Because I'm going to get him right now."

"And you know where he is?"

"I know exactly where he is." I reply. I pull out one of my hand guns that is in my waist band. "Here, take this." I hand Jasper my gun. "Don't use it the second they come in. If they try to take another one of you, that's when you shoot." Jasper nods. "Tell me you understand, Jasper. Because if you shoot that thing too early it will not only give me away, but it'll give Bellamy away too."

"I understand, Tatum." Jasper nods. 

I nod and flip my hair over, tying it back up in a knot and pulling the hat back on. "May we meet again." I say, looking up at Jasper. 

"May we meet again." He says, tucking my gun in the back of his waistband.


I walk through the hallways, once again, with my head lowered. I'm not looking for big brown double doors anymore, but this time clean white ones. The ones to the hospital ward. I finally find them and push against one of them. Inside a nurse is cleaning up around a bed. 

"Sir, what're you doing in here?" The nurse says, surprised.

I clear my throat. "The president has requested your supervision in the mess hall, ma'am." 

The nurse's face lights up as she places the bed sheets that were in her hands down in a chair and scurries out of the room. 

Just as the doors shut I follow the tubes, that are currently clear, around the room. They flow up the wall and through it, just as I remember. I step up on one of the cabinets and push on the area of the wall that the tubes go through. The wall gives way and I grab either side of it, hoisted myself in. The other side of this little crawlspace is still intact with the wall. I don't push it, because I hear voices on the other side. 

A power drill fills my ears as Cage pushes the button on it. A man stands on the other side of a large table, watching him. In the corner I see Monty, crouched down in one of the cages. 

"You ready for the last treatment you'll ever need, Emerson?" Cage grins. 

"You have no idea." Emerson answers. "I've waited my whole life to breathe fresh air."

Cage's grin widens as he sets the drill down on the table. "Let's get back to this secret army that she claims to have. She tell you anything that might help us find it?"

Is he talking about Clarke?

Emerson shakes his head. "No, sir. Nothing about the army. She did say she was coming for you and that if we let her people go she'll let our people live."

"It's a little late for that." Cage mumbles just as the main door to the room opens. 

"Your father is requesting you." A guard announces. Cage nods and he and Emerson exit the room. 

I take that as my chance. I shove open the other side of the wall and crawl out of the space. 

"Tatum?" A shocked, but hopeful Monty asks. 

"It's me, Monty." I smile, running over to him. Monty grasps the bars surrounding him. "I'm gonna get you out, okay?"

Monty nods, "Hurry. Please." He begs. 

I grab the lock on his cage and pull on it. The stupid guard I stripped didn't have a set of keys. "Damn it." I mumble. 

I rack my brain for ways to break the lock. And then...just like magic, I get an idea.

I pull out one of the hand guns in my waistband and turn it around. I place the back end of it on the lock, lift it up and slam it back down onto it. With a CLANG the lock falls down to the floor. I swing open the cage doors and help Monty out. 

"Thank you so much!" Monty exclaims, pulling me into a hug. 

"You're welcome." I smile. "We don't have much time. Let's go." I push Monty towards the little crawl space I got in here with. Monty goes first, crawling down back into the hospital ward. I stay back and strategically close the cage door and place the lock back on it, making it look like something was still locked in there. 

"Tatum, come on." I hear Monty's voice echo from a little ways away. 

"I'm coming." I answer back, running over to the crawl space and crawling in it, placing the edges of the wall back. I jump down and into the hospital ward. "Listen Monty. You need to go back to the bunk room with everyone else."

"What? No!" Monty yells. 

"Shh!" I place my hand over his mouth. "You have to." I see him go to object. "Let me explain!" He calms down. "I have to find Bellamy. He's somewhere in here. And then we have to get everyone else in too. So I need you to go back to Jasper and help him fend off the guards until we can all leave this place. Got it?"

Monty nods and hugs me one last time before taking off and sprinting out of the hospital ward. 

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