Chapter 27

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If someone loves you...respect their love...if you are lucky that person will accept you with all your flaws and call you amazing


It was time for Radhika's second live project...Arjun took Radhika to a was old age shelter cum orphanage...Radhika blinked; ''What kind of project is this...I am studying management and not social studies''

Arjun smiled;'' Management is all about handling the most contrast situations with zeal...a good manager is someone who manages all kind of situations not just business or professional but other have two biggest contrast who have started the journey of their life full of energy and the old folks...who have lived their life and are now tired nil in energy...engage them in a way that both are benefitted you have 10 days''

Radhika blinked...this was difficult....she took one round of the place...but nothing came to her head..she turned around; ''Are you testing you want me to fail''

Arjun; ''Yes I am testing you ...and No I want you to be prepared for any kind of situation are my mentee...and its my job to train you to best....lets go....I will being you here tomorrow again''


Neil was doing his college assignment...after that he had planned to go through Sam's contract himself again to find loop holes...he was determined to find a solution...Sam asked Neil to have dinner; he joined Sam for dinner...Sam got Radhika's call; ''Hi Chashni how are you?''

Radhika; ''Bad...confused...I have got a live project but not able to find the solution to it''

Sam; ''Chashini...I am putting you on speaker...elaborate your project and problem'' Radhika described the situation...Sam made a face; ''Is you mentor mad''

Radhika; ''He is...sometimes I feel like chopping him into small pieces...and feeding him to crows'' Neil covered his mouth to hide is laughter

Sam; ''Is he handsome?''

Radhika; ''Girls say that...I find him ordinary...leave all that do you have solution to my problem'' Sam gestured Neil to speak

Neil smiled; ''Its an intelligent problem...Chashni...children have energy...innocence and elders have experience patience...children can fill the dull life of elders with smile with their innocence, smile...and elders can teach them how to face life can share their experiences with children as think of bringing them together...which you have to do''

Sam smiled; ''Neil I am so proud to be your girl friend''

Radhika; ''Buddy ...a big teddy hug for are just the best....muaahaaaa'' Neil made a face and Sam chuckled....NeSam could actually make out that Radhika was jumping...Neil disconnected the call; ''Mad girl''


After 10 days ...Arjun visited the place and found that elders and children were interacting with each other...children who first irritated them were now friendly with elders...Elders helped them in studies and told them stories. it was easy for helpers to mange than before...there were still roadblocks...but her idea worked...Arjun saw Radhika teaching kids paper art...he smiled he met helpers and manger and took the feedback on the amendments she made..they praised the idea...Radhika came to Arjun; ''So Mr Mentor...what is my grade''

Arjun; ''A...well really are good''

Radhika smiled lightly; ''its not my idea Neil helped can rethink on my grade''

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