Chapter One- Leo

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  • Dedicated to You, lovely person who bothered to read this!

I'm BACKKKKKKKKKK! Hey, I'm back and writing Bloods of Olympus! It's gonna be action packed, with suspense and drama, don't you worry!

So, first of all, I LOVED House of Hades. I was totally hooked, like you couldn't drag me away from it, even if you payed me. It was amazing.

So, second of all, I'm only doing one disclaimer, and it's here, in the first chapter.


Not much to say, but, I miss PERCY! [Btw,'s just awkward. I have no idea what Rick was thinking, but I ain't having any NicoxPercy moments. Okay, maybe a few, but not in THAT way. Sorry!]


Leo Valdez I

It had been three hours since Nico, Reyna and Coach left, and they had been sailing smoothly in the air. The closer they got to Athens, the more on edge everyone got.

Annabeth and Percy were dead asleep, and no one could blame them. Jason 

Leo had so many things to think about. How they had to defeat Gaea in less then fourteen days, how Leo had to make some cool new weapons to kick some giant booty, but only one thing was on Leo's mind.


It was hard not to think about her, and only in battle had he gotten himself distracted from her. Leo wanted to rescue her, to save her from her curse.

But Ogygia was nowhere on the map, just like Calypso said. Festus gave Leo a massive headache, trying ot figure out where Ogygia is. There was some serious magic on it, if even Festus couldn't find it.

But that didn't mean Leo was going to give up. He had sworn he would get her back, and he would definitely do so. 

Leo had learned, the hard way, that instead of groaning and being depressed, he could use Calypso as an incentive to work harder.

So, for the fourteenth time, Leo rolled out the map on the floor and studied it. He had inputted so many different maps into Festus that even the bronze dragon seemed confused. 

A shriek interrupted Leo's daydreaming about Calypso. Leo jumped up, as four half-horse and half-chicken creatures landed on deck. Piper and Leo were supposed to be guarding, but Leo had gotten....distracted.

Leo and Piper stood back to back, Piper with her dagger out, and Leo with flames igniting his hands. The monsters created a circle around the two demigods, but Leo didn't feel scared, as he would have a few days ago.

"Hippalectryon, half-horse, half-rooster. They don't appear much in Greek mythology, but their supposed to be earlier versions of Pegasus." Piper whisper

The monsters charged, but Leo shot fire at them, disintegrating one. The other three kept advancing, slowly, but that made it even creepier.

Piper charged, showing off the training she had been doing with Hazel. She spun around, slicing the head off one Hippalectryon and jabbing the other Hippalectryon in the stomach. The last one snuck up on her, and Leo had the urge to help, but Piper was alright.

She ducked, cleanly cutting the front legs off of the last monster and smacking it with the butt of her dagger, sending it flying into the mast of the ship, where it exploded into golden dust.

Leo took a step back. Piper clearly could be scary when she wanted to, and it was obvious that the training paid off.

"Oh man, Piper, you scared me for a second." Leo whistled.

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