Chapter 2

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1 week later

Aphmaus pov
"KIDS WAKE UP!" I jumped up at the sound of zianna yelling from downstairs I groaned and looked at the clock...the end of our 1 week break...I sighed and got up i changed into a white crop top with cats on it and some blue jean shorts I put on my black converse and put my diary in my purple rucksack I brushed my hair and went to the bathroom I left the door open and started doing my eyeliner when someone said "what are you doing" making me jump and poke my self in the eye I groaned and a looked up to see zane I put my hand on the eye that I poked and said "what do you want" he said "our mom wanted me to tell you to hurry" I nodded and he walked off I finished my eyeliner and maskara thankfully without getting another injury and grabbed my rucksack I went downstairs and zianna said "you all ready to go" we all nodded and started walking to school garroth said "you look beautiful" I smiled and said "thanks but I just threw on a random crop top and shorts" he shrugged and said "doesn't matter you look beautiful all the time" vylad said "awwwwww garroth and his giiiirrrrrllllffffrrriiiieeeennnndddd!" I laughed and shoved him I said "dude we're not dating besides we don't like each other that way" zane said "hehe actually garroth l-" he was cut off by garroth putting his hand over his mouth I shrugged it off and zane started walking next to me I felt something tap my shoulder so I looked around and he just stood there like 'what?' I glared and turned back around I felt another tap and I said "zane quit" he said "quit what I'm not doing anything" I felt the tap again and I turned towards zane just as he put his arm down I said "ha! You were doing it! Now quit" we got to school and just as we walked inside someone punched my arm I looked up and seen zane walking away laughing I said "that hurt!!" He just kept laughing and walked away I sighed went to our classes....

Time skip

WHERE IS IT?! I CANT FIND IT ANYWHERE!  I can't find my diary! It was in my bag earlier today but it's not there now! I frowned at the thought of everyone reading everything I wrote in it I out my head in my hands and garroth said "don't worry Aph you'll find it" I looked up and vylad said "yea don't worry" I sighed and looked in my bag again...

Zanes pov
At the end of the day I was packing up my stuff for going home when I seen a purple book with little cat stickers on it I picked it up and it said "property of Aphmau Phoenix please return if found" I smirked and tried to undo the lock but I couldn't so I went over to my friend sasha I said "sasha do you have a bobby pin I could borrow" she nodded and handed me one I started trying to pick the lock and I finally did I smiled and started reading....
(Kinda sad)
Dear diary, May 9th 2014
Today...m-my dad died....*tear stains* it was a car crash...he was driving to get me a present for my birthday and an 18 wheeler hit him....he was in the hospital for a week and died this morning and I....don't know what to do its just me and mom now

Wow....I though her mom and dad got a divorce! I flipped to the next page...

Dear diary, May 14th 2014
I've been shutting myself off from the world,crying every second of every day and my friends have started forgetting about me...I went to school today and tried to talk to one of them but she just said "oh you...sorry I got new friends" same thing with everyone else and all alone

I-I had no idea she went through this...she seems so happy all the time...

Dear diary, December 25th 2014
First Christmas without my dad and Im ok I think....I got lots of cool stuff! It was fun the whole family came over and garroth got me s pretty necklace the gem is purple in the shape of a butterfly and hold all around yea other than that I I can only say one thing....I miss you dad....

She wears that necklace everyday! I didn't know garroth got it for her! I went to the next page....

Dear diary, March 8th 2016
Now my moms in the hospital....I didn't cry cause I know she'll get better she has to! I hope she staying with garroth,vylad and sadly zane I hate the fact that I have to live with zane he's so rude!  he always bullied me when I was little and Ben now he's rude! heh to think I once had a crush on that jerk

She liked me? What? How? When? Why? I shook my head and closed the book I locked it back and went to aphs homeroom I went over to her and said "I found you're diary it was in my homero-" I was cut off by two small arms wrapping around me I was shocked so I didn't move she said "thank you so much" she pulled away and took the book she put it in her bag and I noticed tear stains on her cheeks....I see why she's so worried about people reading it she doesn't want people to pity her she started fiddling with the butterfly necklace and she said "y-you didn't read it did you" I shook my head and said "no I didn't" lies! She smiled and the bell rung we all started walking towards the house and the whole way there I was staring at Aph....maybe I should stop being so mean to her....

HE READ HER DIARY! HOW DARE HE! But hey he might be nicer to her! Nobody knows not even me cause I haven't written the next chapter yet! Lol anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyeeeeeee

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