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3 years later

Aphmaus pov
"ZACH! Get back here right now!" Zane came in and zach ran to him zane picked him up and said "what's wrong" I sighed and said "I told him to pick up his toys but he started running around" zane set zach down and said "go clean up your toys and stuff ok" zach nodded and started cleaning up I looked at zane and said "how?! He never listens to me!" He shrugged and I sat down he sat down next to me and zach came over to me and said "I love you mommy" I smiled and said "mommy loves you to" I pulled him into my lap and zane said "see? You're not a horrible mother" zach layed down across our laps zane smiled and there was a knock at the door I got up and zach reached out his arms i picked him up and went to the door i opened it to see garroth and vylad I said "hey guys what are you doing here" vylad said "just stopped by to see zach" zane came over and said "oh how nice come to see your brothers child but not your brother" I said "oh shush!" Zach said "uncle garroth! Uncle vylad!" They came in and zach ran to them they all started playing and me and zane sat down I layed my head on his shoulder and said "imagine what it'll be like when he's like 13" he said "that's still 10 years away" I said "my mom always said that the years fly by" he said "true I mean it still feels like it was just yesterday we brought zach home from the hospital" I nodded and he layed down I layed next to him and since we were on the couch there wasn't a lot of room so zane wrapped his arms around my waist that way I wouldn't fall off the couch garroth looked over at us and said "what are you doing" I said "laying here with my husband?" He looked at zach and whispered something to him zach came over and started jumping on the couch and he also jumped on me and zane a few times I said "was that necessary garroth" he said "no but It was kinda funny" I sighed and zach said "why were you and daddy laying down" I said "because I'm very tired" he made a confused face and said "why" I said "well I've done the dishes,laundry,picked up most of your toys,cleaned the house-" zane said "I offered to help you but you said you didn't need any help!" I said "I didn't but we've been married for 4 years you should've learned by now that I don't need help means help me" he sighed and fell back on the couch vylad said "oh man you two have been together for 4 years....That's a really long time" I said "yea I know" garroth said "how have you not gotten sick of him yet" I laughed and zane said "I'm right here Ya know" I said "I could never get sick of zane I love him to much" zane smiled and said "aw I love you to" he kissed my cheek and zach sat on zanes lap vylad said "how old are you? I know how old zane is he's 26 right" zane nodded and I said "I am 25!" Vylad nodded and zach said "what were you and daddy like before you were dating" garroth said "oh boy that's a story and half! They hated each other!" I said "me and your father didn't particularly like each other that much but then we became friends,fell in love,got married,and then you came a long!" I started tickling him and he started laughing I said "ok now go play" he ran off and for the rest of the day we all talked.....
                         The end
I think that was a cute ending! Ah I love writing so much! But yes this book is over and there will be no sequel! Anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyeeeeeee

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2016 ⏰

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