Chapter 17

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Time skip! 3 months later

Aphmaus pov
Everyone has gotten used to my dad being back and im overjoyed about it! A few people didn't believe me when I just told them so I had to actually she i them my dad and they instantly knew it was him since me and my dad look exactly alike anyway currently I was running around the house with zane chasing me because I kept on putting frosting on his face heheheheh he finally caught me by wrapping his arms around my waist I laughed and he picked me up he put me on the couch and started tickling me we were both laughing and the door opened my dad came in and I said between laughing  "dad! H-help me!" He said "nah I think I'll watch this unfold" he sat down and I escaped zane I ran to the kitchen and got the frosting container I said "no more tickling or I'll shoot!" He put his hands in the air and said "ok deal" we kissed and went back to the living room my dad said "I just came over because I wanted to if you don't mind see your wedding video since I wasn't there" I smiled and went to the tv I put it on and sat next to zane the video came on and first it was zane proposing it was the video my mom took of me walking around to all the clues then when he proposed I smiled and the video cut to the wedding it was me walking down the aisle then it was the priest saying all the stuff then me and zane kissed and ran back down the aisle to the reception me the video showed me and zane sitting down and someone I think my mom said "how do you feel mija" I smiled and said "there's no words to describe it! I married the man I love!" I kissed zane and the video turned off I looked at my dad and said "don't tell your mother I said this but that was probably more adorable than our wedding video" I laughed and said "my lips are sealed" he stood up and I hugged him I said "bye dad" he said "bye sweetie" he left and a few minutes after he did I heard whimpers at the door I got up and opened it to see a little brown and white bulldog puppy....

Aphmaus povEveryone has gotten used to my dad being back and im overjoyed about it! A few people didn't believe me when I just told them so I had to actually she i them my dad and they instantly knew it was him since me and my dad look exactly ali...

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I picked it up and went back inside I said "zane look how cute this little puppy is!" He got up and said "awwww she's adorable!" I nodded and said "hey there's no collar do you think she has an owner" he said "probably not usually people put collars on their animals"  I said "can we keep her?! Please!" He laughed and said "ok what should we name her" I said "Bailey?" He nodded and I said "oh let's go to the pet store and get some stuff for her!" We went out to the car with Bailey and drove to the pet store we went in and ended up getting a leash,bed,food,collar,and food and water bowls we got her name engraved into a little bone medallion and put it on the collar I put the collar on her and we went back home when we got in I put her bed in the living room and I put the food and water bowls next to it I filled them up and Bailey started running around I smiled and we spent the red of the day playing with her.....

They got a puppy! I want that dog in the picture it's so cute! GAH I love puppies! Anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyeeeeeeeee

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