Chapter 23

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Aphmaus pov
"Mommy and daddy will be back soon ok?" I kissed zachs head and zane said "come on aph he will be fine" zianna said "yea there's me,savannah,garroth,and your dad" I nodded and went over to zane we left and I said "what if something happens and were not the-" he cut me off and said "aph look at me I care and love him just as much as you do and I'm completely calm! Nothing will happen" I nodded and he grabbed my hand I smiled and said "you always can calm me down" he said "which is good considering you freak out quiet a bit" I said "I do not!" He nodded and said "yes you do and you know it" I sighed and said "where are we going" he said "your favorite place to eat" I said "Olive Garden?!" He nodded and I said "YAY!" I hugged him and we got there we started eating and I seen a familiar face walk up to us she said "aph?! I haven't seen you in forever!" I said "Teony! I know it's been forever!" She looked at zane and said "and zane...why are you two together" I said "Teony you've missed a A LOT!" She said "really?" Me and zane both nodded and I got a piece of paper I wrote my number on it and handed it to her I said "we can talk later and I'll explain everything that's happened ok?" She nodded and walked off zane said "I had no idea you and teony were friends" I said "heh yea she was one of my best friends we just never talked a lot" he nodded and we ate we went home and as soon as we went in I said "so how's zach" zianna said "aph honey he's fine! He's asleep in his room" I nodded and zane said "I told you" I said "shut up" he laughed and said "I'd rather not" I said "I'm gonna message teony" he nodded and I sat down I got my phone out and started messaging her...
T- teony
A- aph

A- hey!
T- hey aph! So what's happened in your life
A- married
A- zane
T- zane?! In highschool you hated him!
A- people change and he's one of them! Now he's not bad at all and I love him so much
T- awwwwwww that's adorable! Anything else I should know
A- yea! We also have a son
A- haha ok

I texted her our address and 5 minutes later there was a knock at the door I opened it and she said "you're telling me you are a mother?!" I nodded and said "yep!" She said "so im assuming you guys adopted" I said "actually we had him! I know while I was pregnant zane took pictures or me thinking I didn't know so if you want to see I can show you" she nodded and I went over to zane I said "hey give me your phone I wanna show teony the pictures of me when I was pregnant" he said "what makes you think I have any pictures" I said "zane I seen you take the pictures" he sighed and hands me his phone I showed the pictures to teony and she said "I never expected you'd ever have your own kid I thought you'd adopt!" I said "well it was kind of a surprise to us!" She said "so can I see him" I nodded and we went upstairs we went into his room and she said "awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!" I smiled and he started waking up I picked him up and I said "wanna hold him" she nodded and I handed him to her she smiled and I said "his name is Zachary but we call him zach for short" she said "he's so flippin cute!" I laughed and she said "man a lot really has happened since we seen each other" I nodded and she said "heh im with gene...he's nice now don't worry! And I'm also in college" I said "wow that's great teony!" She handed zach back to me and we went downstairs zane said "did he wake up" I nodded and he came over to me he took him from me and went back over to the couch he started tickling him and I smiled zach was giggling and teony said "you are so cute together" zane said "wanna see our wedding pictures" she nodded and I went over to the shelf I got the photo album and handed it to her I said "there's also pictures from when we first started dating" she sat down and started looking through it we all talked for the next hour or so until she had to leave after she left zane said "I'll go put zach back to sleep" he went upstairs and I went to our room it was 10 something so I was tired! I changed into pajamas and layed down a few minutes later zane came in and changed into pajama pants and a random shirt he layed next to me and I said "wanna know something" he looked at me and I said "I love you" he smiled and we kissed when we pulled away he said "I love you to" he kissed my cheek and we both fell asleep....

I liked this chapter a lot idk why! Anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyeeeeeeee

Started as Enemies (zanemau)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora