Chapter 19

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Time skip! Aph is 11 weeks pregnant

Aphmaus pov
I looked in the mirror at my stomach it was very small still but you could tell a difference it honestly just looks like I ate 5 boxes of donuts but nope it's a baby! Zane yelled from downstairs "aph! Come on!" I went downstairs and we went to the car we drove to the pregnancy doctors office and when we went in I seen a few other pregnant women there anyway me and zane sat down and it was an hour or two until we finally got called back the doctor looked at me and smiled she said "hi I'm Megan I'll be your doctor throughout your pregnancy" I smiled and said "I'm aphmau call me aph and this is my husband zane" we all shook hands and she led us back to the room and had me lay on the bed she turned on the ultrasound machine and put this clear gel on my stomach she got the transducer and put it to my stomach she moved it around and started pointing out stuff on the screen she pointed to the baby's hands and said "it now has fingers and toes and right now the baby is 1 and a half inches long" I smiled and she said "would you like the gender" me and zane both nodded and she said "it's a baby boy" my smile somehow got even bigger and she said "well he's perfectly healthy! Do you want pictures" once again me and zane nodded and she printed off some pictures of the baby in different positions she cleaned the gel off my stomach and said "ok you're free to go! Come back when you're 18 weeks along" I nodded and got up we left and I kept on staring at the pictures and I said "this is so surreal" zane nodded and said "yea really...we have to start on the nursery and start buying stuff" I nodded and we got home I called my parents and zane called his mom and brothers we told them it's a boy and they were super exited! Garroth and vylad insisted that next ultrasound they come with us so we agreed and when we hung up they were fangirling I smiled and said "they're insane" zane nodded and said "yea imagine what they'll be like if we ever let them babysit" I said "nope! I love garroth and vylad but they are not babysitting unless they're the last option on earth! Vylad yes he can babysit but garroth..." He said "yea garroth can be kinda insane" I said "don't you mean inzane" he groaned and said "that was horrible" I laughed and he started tickling me for a few minutes after he quit he kissed my stomach and I smiled he said "I can't wait until he's born" I said "neither can I! You'll be a great dad" he smiled and said "hopefully! I know you'll be a great mom I've seen you with kids you can make them smile just by looking at them!" I said "I hope I will be" he said "I have a feeling you will" he layed down on the couch and I layed on him we started watching tv and I fell asleep....

Zanes pov
After s few minutes I started hearing cute little snores I laughed and the front door opened im not even kidding when I say EVERYONE came in! Garroth,laurence,vylad,my mom,my dad,aphs mom,and aphs dad I quietly said "why did the whole family decide to come visit" garroth said "we want t-" vylad whispered "garroth! Shhhh aphs asleep!" I sighed and sat up i picked up aph bridal style and said "I'll put her in our room be right back" I carried her to our room and put her in bed I went back downstairs and got the pictures from the ultrasound I showed them to everyone and aphs mom said "remember when we got pictures of aph at the ultrasound kyle" aphs dad said "yea they're in my wallet" we all ended up talking about the baby then somehow we ended up talking about how garroth and cadenza broke up we kept talking for 2 hours until aph came downstairs I said "well hello sleepy head" she said "im pregnant it makes me tired" I said "yea I've noticed" she sat down and said "ok while i was asleep did something happen" I said "no why" she said "well our whirl family and laurence is here" laurence said "and laurence? I'm family to you know!" I laughed and aph said "you're not related though! Well you could be if garroth and cadenza get married" garroth said "actually me and cadenza broke up" aph said "WHAT?! WHY?! That was my ship! You don't sink a girls ship ask Kawaii chan!" He laughed and I seen Bailey come over she stretched and I said "well looks like both of you just woke up" my mom said "awwwwwww I can't get over how adorable Bailey is! She's so cute!" I nodded and for the rest of the day we all talked about random stuff....

It's a baby boy! So I need some boy names! If I use your name idea I'll give you a shoutout! Anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee

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