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Ok this is my first Wattpad story and I would like to dedicate this to my best friend Nichole for pushing me to even put this up here and to IvBlud for that little extra nudge. So ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you.....A Woman of Her Word .


Gabrielle slapped the top of her alarm clock & rolled over. It's 6:45 am. She laid there for a few more mins, slowly blinking and staring at the ceiling. She contemplated going back to sleep, but the entire room was filled with sunlight. She got up, grabbed her towel, and ventured to the bathroom. On the way she plugged up her iPod and played her morning playlist.

A few songs later, She left the bathroom in what she calls "feeling life". What would she do without her shower time... In between fixing her hair and putting on her boots, Gabby stole a glance at the clock. 7:30. She did a once over in the mirror and left her room.

"Aj and Mia Wussup yall ready?"

"Yeah Im coming I'm almost done my cereal" Yelled Mia as she walked from the kitchen to the living room

"Wheres Aj"

"Sleep U kno she dont have class until 9" Said Mia as she hurried back to her room to grab her bag.

"I thought she was coming in with us." Gabby questioned as she sat on the arm of the couch, checking out her fingernails.

"So I'm guessing you ain't hear her and Drew going at it last night"

Gabby rolled her eyes "Lucky Bastard"

The two best friends left their house and piled into the car. As Gabby started the engine, Mia checked herself out in the mirror and closed it.

"So Todays Friday!! Heard From Shad yet?"

"Girl! He wont stop texting me since his plane landed. When he got back from base this morning first thing he says is I'm on my way" Gabby's phone vibrates loud enough to hear. "That's probably him now"

"Aww he missed u" Mia teased.

"Yeah I know and we all kno I missed him too but I needed some sleep if Ima deal wit Pacheco this morning. I told him Ill call him later but now that Its settling in that he's actually here, Im getting excited all over again" Gabby's smile was from ear to ear.

"Awwww that's good how long is he home for this time?"

Gabby pulled into the student parking lot and they both scanned for an empty spot. "There right over here get it before that car does!" Mia pointed out the spot to Gabby and she navigated her Mitsubishi Endeavor towards the spot just as a blue ford explorer pulled up. Both girls high-fived each other and laughed before Gabby answered Mia's previous question. "Idk if they call at any time he's gone again, but I hope that it's only to the base and that would be for the weekend"

"I hope so too cuz that's not too bad. Look I'll see you later have a good day hunnie" Said Mia as she got out the car before hurrying to class.

"K text me have a good day" Gabby yelled after her. Gabby reached her Psychology class just on time... 8am is too early for any class especially on a Friday. But she was looking forward to seeing her boyfriend later on in the day.

When 12:30 rolled around, Gabby felt relieved. She started to think time slowed down and started moving backwards everytime she looked at a clock. She wrote in the group chat to see where Aj and Mia were.

Two minutes later AJ responded. "Yoo papi Im In the U Bored as hell please tell me your ready to go." Mia responded a few seconds behind Aj. "Deada** Im Jus Leaving Classroom Building I had Enough of Buff State Time Fi start di Weekend." Gabby laughed at her screen looking around to see if anybody was staring at her before responding to her best friend and her cousin. "lmao Weekend soon tun up Ill meet yall By the Car."

A Woman of Her WordWhere stories live. Discover now