A Long Day

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Shad woke up next to his little sister. How and when this happened he didnt care. Smiling to himself, he planted a kiss on her temple before rolling out of bed, and as if he forgot something, he caught himself and placed a kiss on baby Kiyah. Checking the clock 2:00, he didnt have much time, so he called Gabby pulling her out of her sleep and sending her in the shower. He followed the low noises coming from the living room to find his mom watching re-runs of Martin on TVOne

"Ma what yo fine self doin in here"

"What it look like?"

"Increasing my property value" Shad said flashing his million dollar smile and plopping on the couch next to his mom

"Smooth talker must have got that from ya daddy"

"Well thank God thats the only thing I got from him"

"I wouldnt say the only thing"Shad shot her a look "But its a good thing none the less"

They both laughed and Theresa leaned in to her son and he held her as he used to many nights from when he was barely big enough to fit her in his arms entirely. He laid his head on top of hers closng his eyes as memories flooded in of her crying over his father. He squeezed her a little tighter as he inhaled a lung full of her Sparkling White Diamonds perfume that he can pick out anywhere. As this was happening, Theresa closed her eyes, countless flashbacks of Larry walking out after a night of arguing and having to pull herself together while her eldest son held on to her.

"You know despite all that he is done your father was and always will be a good man"

"I guess"

"You need to forgive him...I have"

"Ma where is Tanya having her baby shower?"


"Ma I love you and you know I would do anything for you if you want to forgive that man for what he did to you hey I aint mad at you but I would not think twice about doing the same for a man who walked out on his family...His wife is one thing, but to walk out on 5 crying kids that begged you to stay and then come around long enough to make one more before bouncing again, I cant let that go. I am more of a father to them kids than he will ever be so let him be a good man to any other kids he has but these 5 I take credit for"

Theresa looked in her son's eyes and smiled before placing her hand to his cheek "You are too good to me. I dont deserve a son like you. Gabby better hold on tight"

"No I didnt deserve you...and she better cuz I got a grip on that ass"

Theresa plucked him in his lip "Watch ya mouth and move wit all this sappy stuff. You making me miss my show!"

Shad kissed Theresa's forehead and got up making his way to the bathroom. After a quick shower, he looked himself over in the mirror admiring his outfit for the day: A black TISA tee shirt, his black cargo pants and his Retro 3z grabbed his keys and his TISA hat and the matching hoodie and made his way to the living room.

"How I look?"

"All black everything....funeral service...boy you be killin em"

"Ma you too hip for me I swear! I'm going to pick up the kids and maybe take them out for something to eat you want me to take u home or you good here?"

"I'll stay here with Tanya. We could both use the break from them kids and that house"

"You know you're always welcome here mi casa es su casa mi amor"

"I know now go and dont be late picking up my baby u know how Joe is"

Shad laughed as he walked out leaving the door for Theresa to lock it. Pulling out of his driveway he called Gabby letting her know she had 5 mins to be ready even though he was 15 mins away. That way she would be ready just as he is pulling up. Then he called Jason.

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