Unexpected Visits Pt. 2

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Chapter 3

Gabrielle looked at the Lady standing before her at the door. She looked like she could be around 40. Her body shape was nice. She had black hair that reached her shoulders and smooth brown skin. She was taller than Gabby by maybe four inches, putting her at 5'6. She had soft brown eyes that told her emotions, and right now, she didnt look too hapy to see Gabby standing here.

"Hi, good night Is Larry home?"

"Who are you?"


The lady shifted her weight from leaning on the door to standing up straight. "Might I ask how you know my husband? Look if your here to try to say that hes fathered your child too, or something else to that effect, please save it"

"Excuse me? Does that Look like what I came here for?"

"Idk what you came here for your on my doorstep after 9pm with the look on your face like your about to drop some devastating news. Im not gonna let another family try to ruin what I worked so hard to maintain here"

Gabby felt her ears getting hot. "Ok its obvious that coming here was a mistake so I'll leave before I say something that would end up making u wanna step off that door step and get your ass beat"

The two women exchanged looks establishing that from this moment on, neither of the two would have anything nice to say to, and about eachother. But she knew Gabby meant what she said. As Gabby turned to leave, Larry could be heard making his way to the door.

"Miranda who's at the door?"

"Some chick name Gabrielle"

By time Gabby reached her car, he was at the door going back and forth with Miranda. She couldnt make out what they were saying anymore, but by time she started her engine, He was jogging to the car waving his hands. She rolled down the window when he reached her.

"Pretty lady why are you leaving? Come inside I apologize for what Miranda said please come inside."

She smiled. "No its ok Larry. Shad wouldnt want me here anyway"

His expression changed. "Shad doesnt know you're here? Something must be wrong Is he ok?"

"Yes hes fine"

"So tell me what's wrong please come inside something had to bring you here"

She looked away and back at Larry. His eyes were begging her to get out of the car. He was right, but she knew this was not the time.

"Im Sorry Larry I cant. Maybe another time."

He looked at her and backed away from the car

"Ok Pretty Lady You know how to reach me."

Gabby pulled out the driveway and headed home. She was glad she didnt stay. Even if she did what was she gonna say? She couldn't tell him about the issues they were going through, Shad would kill her. I just need to talk to Aj and/or Mia, She told herself. When she got home, Shad's car was sitting in the front, and he was in it. When he saw her, he jumped out the car and waited for her to park. She got out and looked at him. He had a mixture of emotions on his face and It was clear he had been crying. Now it all came to her, and she felt bad. He just got a call from his lutenant informing him of his deployment, and instead of asking to where, she was worried about their anniversary and her birthday. She was being selfish worrying about her needs. And on top of that his dad shows up, and she tells him she wants to join the army. For his first day back, it wasnt ending so good. She just stared him in his eyes, and hers started to water. She couldn't hold them in for too long, and they silently streamed down her face. He reached out to wipe them, and cupped her face. She tried to speak, but could only whisper

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