Change of Plans

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Shad entered the cafe and walked straight onto the Subway Line standing 3rd in line. He stared at the menu full of foot-longs and 6 inch subs allowing himself to get lost in his thoughts. He felt a heavy hand slap on his shoulder bringing his mind back to the subway Line just as he heard, "Welcome to Subway how can I help you?"

Shad smiled at the girl on the other side of the glass before looking down at the hand that rested on his shoulder. He closed his eyes counting to three before slowly turning his head to meet the gaze of Travis, his first Army friend. The two 18 year olds both enlisted the same time, Travis coming from Newark NJ and Shad coming from Buffalo NY although he's originally from Queens NY. How they ended up in the same unit is beyond them but they have stuck together ever since.

"You ok Bruh?" Travis' face looked like he knew what Shad was thinking.

Shad let out a deep breath. "I'll be aight. Hi sweetheart sorry for holding you up can I have an Italian herb six inch with mozzarella cheese teriyaki chicken pepper jack cheese toasted?"

The girls face showed a little confusion before she went to work making his sandwich just the way he ordered it. Shad was impressed, he always had to repeat his order or watch them while they made it to prevent them from making an entirely different sandwich. As Shad's sandwich was in the oven, she flashed him a beautiful smile before looking at the person behind him before repeating the Subway Jingle. Travis smiled before answering.

"Hello sexy...Naomi you can help me in a number of ways. First let's start with a 6inch Flatbread with buffalo chicken mozzarella cheese and bacon toasted. Secondly you can tell me what time u get off so I can help you relax after a long day at work"

Naomi dropped her head smiling but tending to his order. Shad looked at the two of them with an amused look on his face and before she had the chance to respond, the oven beeped and in what looked like 1 swift movement, she brought Shad's sandwich out, added the ingredients for Travis's sandwich and replaced Shad's sandwich with Travis before looking up at Shad

"Anything else I can add for you?"

"Lettuce, Cucumbers, Salt, Pepper and vinegar"

Naomi closed cut and wrapped his sandwich placing his to the side while she dealt with Travis and his flirtatious remarks about everything she did. After she wrapped Travis' sub, she totaled Shad up for a sandwich and a drink and threw in 3 chocolate chip cookies for free and did the same for Travis, ignoring all his "moves" with a smile. The duo walked away and found an empty table for the two of them

"Yo I can't even imagine what Kuwait looks like!" Travis tore open his sandwich and stared at it a little before picking up a piece and inhaling it.

"What? that barely made sense!" Shad laughed after saying his prayer over his food.

"Im saying..when u think of Kuwait what comes to mind?.....NOTHING, therefore we can't imagine what Kuwait looks like."

"Please stop speaking before u start to infect my mind with your dumb ass."

"You just don't respect good logic when you see it...or hear it" Travis shrugged before continuing his sandwich.

Shad shook his head in amusement. "I don't know how I'm going to tell Gabbz that their sending us to Kuwait in a month and a half. She's gonna trip Bruh"

"She's gonna trip, blow up, break shit, slap u up, cuz u know this is gonna be all your fault, and be depressed on Facebook"

Shad laughed and caught a glimpse of his commanding officer Sargent Harris talking to another Sargent. Shad took a deep breathe remembering their conservation earlier in the afternoon.

Shad knocked and waited before entering the office.

"At ease Sargent Harris said without looking up.

"You asked to see me sarg?" Shad asked still standing by the door.

"Have a seat Moss." There was a long pause while Sargent Harris found the right words to start his speech. "You know since you came here I've been looking out for you. And not because your mother and father and I all go back lower than four flats on a bad Caddy but because I see you as a son. With that being said I keep your best interest in mind and with my superior officers giving orders of deployment, I did the best I could and I got you covered." Sargent took a small break in his words and looked at shad who was now seated across from him. "I couldn't stop you from being deployed but I got you somewhere that's not war torn."

"Where are they sending me?" Shad's face hasn't showed any emotion since stepping in the office.


"When am I out?"

"The actual date is TBD but sometime in August. You were supposed to be out with this next shipment on Saturday but I interveined."

Shad rubbed his hand over his face. "U know Gabby gonna have a fit Sarg. How long am I gonna be out there" He leaned over with his elbows on his knees awaiting an answer.

"Anywhere from 6months to a year depending on the training you go thru while you're out there. If your unit is slow then u gonna be out there long if not and yall are speedy then I can push for you to come home earlier."

"Who's unit am I in?"

"273D Chemical "

Shad let his head drop. "Am I with anybody I know or all newbies?"

"Mixed up. Don't worry Moss you'll be fine. Tell Gabby.....Well I don't really know what to tell u to tell her." Sargent Harris let out a little chuckle.

"that's what I thought " Shad let out a slight laugh before getting up and moving to the window and looking out. "So this is final right I can't fight this huh?"

"I mean you can, won't get you anywhere and you might end up worse off, but you can try what ever you like."

"Alright just put me with Travis Vega and I'm good."

"Already got it covered and briefing 1st thing tomorrow morning 0830"

Shad made his way to the door saluting his Sargent. "Good got it and since u and momma go back like 4 flats u shouldn't mind telling her about my deployment right cool and keep my donor out the loop. Keep ya head up sarg" And with that Shad was out the office. He leaned against the wall looking to God for the strength to face his shorty later on.

At that moment Sargent Harris and Shad locked eyes and he put his knuckles under both of his eyes indicating what he was going to do to him. Shad laughed and continued eating his sandwich.

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