Duty calls

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Sorry for the extra long delay! I hope this chapter is worth the wait but I'll definitely have another one up sooner than it took to have this one up. Thank you to those that are still reading and to any new readers: HAAAYYYYYY lol Enjoy :-* FYI don't be scared to vote or comment

2 weeks later

Gabrielle let out a deep aggravated moan as she blindly reached around for her ringing cellular device. This was her only chance to get a nap in for the day and whoever was calling better had a name that started with a J and ended with Esus. Struggling to open a eye, she saw her twin's face and sucked her teeth, before putting the phone back down. As soon as Gabby boarded the train back to sleepland, the phone underneath her hand buzzed along with the bed and she immediately pressed the side button, allowing the train to start its departure. However before the train could fully leave the station, her phone went off again. Gabrielle huffed and puffed throwing a mini tantrum in her bed before sliding her finger across the screen.

"Yes Gabriel Yes!"

"No Gabrielle No! That's not how we answer the phone. I wasn't the only one getting beat for not having manners"

"Actually you were I was always the good twin. What you want?"

Gabriel could sense the aggravation in his twin's voice. "What's wrong why the attitude?"

"Cuz I was Trynna sleep I got class then practice all night."

"Aww I'm sorry Gee but I need a quick 4 mins of ya time. What we doing for Alex's birthday on Friday?"

"Shit I don't know maybe movies game stop dinner and then q-t at the crib why u got something planned?"

"Nah I jus got back from Pennsylvania I got him something but I can't hide it at my house there's no space and since ur gonna have him I'll bring my gift the cake and the parents"

"Oh no not the parents!"

"Dun dun duuuuuuunnnnn. yes the parents"

Gabby rolled on to her back giving up on sleep and sharing a good laugh with her twin.

"Ok so Today's what, Tuesday? And his birthday is Friday and they get here Thursday so ummmm ok bring it I'll keep it in Aj room and then 2mrrw after class we can go put the order for the cake" Gabby placed her brother on speaker to put a reminder in her phone. "Where you at?"

"I'm jus now pulling up to your door come let me in."

Gabby looked at the her phone and continued to lay in bed. "How mad would you be if I told u I wasn't home?"

"Not too mad cuz either way I was gonna get inside"

Gabby heard her brothers voice down her hallway approaching her room. She jumped up to stand on her bed and awaited her twin's arrival. Once he opened the door she leaped off of her bed on him making them crash to the floor. The pain from the fall caused the two of them to lay there clutching the sore parts of their bodies before slowly getting up.

"Ok let's stray from that next time ok?"

Gabriel limped to her bed and climbed on top

"Well next time make sure you catch me...and come up off of my bed with your outside clothes on" she made her way to the closet, ignoring the pain she felt moments before and came back to the bed with a throw blanket. "move let me put this down u cud lay on this."

After spreading the blanket on the bed Gabrielle turned around to see her twin gone. Rolling her eyes, she ventured through the house to find him. She found him in the living room sitting in front of a box and checking his phone. Taking a seat next to him on the couch, she observed the box. It was a big blue box with a huge ribbon tied into a bow on top.

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