Ice melting

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"Four more days left," Temari murmured, absentmindedly picking at the strands of Shikamaru's hair.

Shikamaru batted her hand away and slumped in his chair. "We need to convince her. I tried using friendly behaviour."

Temari snorted. "And they call you a genius. I tried reasoning."

The pair's eyes fell on Sasuke. He defiantly looked back.

"Uchiha," Temari said. "What did you do?"

Sasuke shrugged. "Not much."

Shikamaru's gaze also stayed on Sasuke. Sasuke sighed. "Sharingan."

Temari exploded. "What?! WHAT?! Uchiha dumbass Sasuke! You!" She stood up, and with her hands outstretched, tried to trottle Sasuke. Shikamaru stood up and his arms wrapped around her torso, preventing her from killing the only Uchiha.

Sasuke stood up and slapped some money that Naruto gave on the table. "When you're done sucking face with your girlfriend, meet me outside."

"I do not-!"


Kamizuru Jibachi pushed his glasses up. "So the blonde twerp we fought with when looking for the bikouchuu is now the kage of Konoha?"

"He wasn't weak after all," Kurobachi said.

"Hush you two," Suzumebachi placed a finger to her lips.

"I don't get it," Jibachi said. "Those three weren't even the ones finding the bikouchuu at that time."

"But they are from Konoha," Kurobachi said.

"And when those three report back to their hokage, we shall request the Aburame clan to fight us," Suzumebachi smirked. "Then we would fight and win them. And we shall get the recognition we deserve!"

"For the Kamizuru clan," Jibachi agreed.

"The woman's here," Kurobachi whispered.

Suzumebachi nodded. "And the three ninjas are heading here from the other way too. Now!"

The three members of the Kamizuru clan jumped out and grabbed Mikiko who was passing by her neck. Mikiko spluttered and clenched Suzumebachi's arm, trying to yank it off her neck. Jibachi and Kurobachi took a fighting stance in front of their sister.

"Stay away from her!" Temari shouted, grabbing her fan out.

"One attack and I'll kill her!" To proved her point, Suzumebachi took out a kunai and pressed it to Mikiko's neck.

I can't reach my biwa, Mikiko thought desperately. My voice is useless without it.

"Go; go and led us to Konoha," Jibachi said.

"Then get the Aburame clan out!" Kurobachi said.

"Not a chance," Shikamaru said.

"And this woman dies!"

Temari narrowed her eyes and opened her fan. Suzumebachi pressed the kunai further into Mikiko's neck where Mikiko's vein stood out.

Sasuke closed his eyes. We can do this. Shikamaru, Temari, execute plan B.

Shikamaru and Temari nodded. The three members of the Kamizuku clan tensed, waiting for an attack. We must do this quick.

Shikamaru formed the seal of the rat and instantly, his shadow travelled to Suzumebachi's. "Shadow possession jutsu... Success."

Suzumebachi gasped and froze. "I... I can't move my body."

"Good." Temari waved her fan and sent the two men flying to a side, slamming against a wall. Shikamaru made a motion with his arms and Suzumebachi unwillingly copied him, throwing the kunai to a side and releasing Mikiko.

Icy heartstrings (Sasuke fanfic) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now