Bad family, good kid

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I bleed out onto the cobblestone street, the cold rain washing it away as if it never happened and a peaceful breeze that swept through the midnight air sending stings of pain each time a drop of water hit my skin or the wind blew across my bruised and bloody body.

My lungs struggled to take in previous air, my mouth open to hopefully catch a few drops of cool water to sooth my sore and burning throat. My dull blue eyes looking straight up at the dark cloudy skies, unable to look away. I couldn't move and what I could, sent shock waves of pure agony through my body. My mind racing to stay awake to get up, but my body couldn't hold out and my vision was engulfed in black.

I sat there, where ever there was, knees hugged tightly to my chest and my face buried away in them. I floated in complete quiet, in complete darkness. I stopped floating all of a sudden but gave it no thought, a soft gentle hand petting my blonde locks. I flinched with the sudden touch but I slowly came to love the feeling. A sweet, female voice filled the void of quietness. " Child way do you cry?" It said, but I did not lift my head to look. " Because no one likes me, everyone hates me, but they love my sister and ma and pa. If I'm going to die I want to be missed, to be cried over, to be worth remembering for the right reason." I said sadness lacing my words. " If you died, I'd cry, I'd remember you, I'd miss you greatly." I froze hearing her speak, I lifted my head and looked at her in the eyes. Her beautiful crimson eyes, her fair skin as soft as silk, her fiery orange hair. Her hair was long and was held in a loose bun, her lips marked with bright red lipstick, her long eyelashes adorned with a soft red eyeshadow. She wore a dark red kimono with beautiful and elegant cherry red designs. Two fox ears seemed to appear from out of her hair and nine long fluffy trails slide out from behind her. She smiled warmly down on me, her eyes although frightening, were soft and kind.

My brow furrowed in realization and I looked away saying with venom covering my words," You're just saying that, you don't know what I feel, you don't know anything, so stop playing with my emotions!" She grabbed my chin and forced me to look at her and gently brushed some hair out of my face saying calmly," Now, I know that I don't know anything, and I don't know you, but what I do know is that you hurt not only from the outside, but also on the inside." She tilted my head up to look her in the eye and she gave me a loving smile. I looked at her saying with an innocent tone," Your not like most ladies are you, ah?"

" Kurama, my name's Kurama, and no I'm not." She patted me on the back and stood up and I began to fade away. " What's happening to me, Kurama?!" I yelled scared to death. " You're waking up, so no need to be afraid." I looked at her, fear still in my eyes," Will I ever see you again? Where can I find you?"

" I've always been here, with you, I've been with you since the very beginning and I'll still be here for you." She said soothingly and then she disappeared from my vision as I wake up to the early morning light. I stood up weakly and walked back to my so called home. I say ma and pa outside in the backyard training my little sister, and was greeted back with a slap to the face from ma. She yelled at me and pa scolded me as well with a calm voice, my younger sister snickering at me being in trouble again. I was told to go straight to my room and not leave until dinner.

I sat on my small bed and looked out the window watching as my sister was praised by our parents at getting 5/10 on throwing kunai. I wished anything to be like her," But then you'd be nothing but a spoiled brat, and not your adorable self." Came the familiar voice of Kurama. " Wow, how did you do that?" I asked out loud. She giggled as if it was the silliest question in the world," Because I'm inside of you, kit."

" So that wasn't a dream." I said.

" No it wasn't a dream, you were inside your mind scape where I am now. And you do not need to talk out loud, all you need to do is think what your saying."

" Ow, okay. Hey, now that I think about it, why are you inside me?"

" Your father, sealed me inside of you when you were born."

" But why would he do that?"

" Because I am the nine tailed fox and I was unsealed from your mother when you were born by a bad man that wanted to destroy the village. So he forced me to attack the village and kill a lot of people."

" Well that wasn't really nice of him was it?"

" No it wasn't, now kit how about I train you to be strong and to be the child your parents wished they never neglected. The child the village wish they never hatred. How does that sound?"

" That sounds awesome, when do we start?"

" Now." She said as I was welcomed with the site of a training field, Kurama standing in the middle of it. She wore black anbu type clothing and her hair in a high ponytail. " Let the training begin kit." She said with an almost evil expression that made me gulp in fear for my life. And so from that day on I trained hard and with determination. And it was that day that the village and the fourth hokage's family that they'd start to regret hurting me.

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Love you all so much!!!!

Smitten Kitten (Naruto Fanfic.)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon