Survival Of The Fittest (Part Two)

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Naruto's POV
The tears I cry, the pain I feel, the blood I bled, it means nothing when it comes to who's behind these actions. I mean nothing, to the village, to the world, to the gods in the sky, and to the family that never loved me. When he spoke to me tears were finally going to fall for a good reason, my pain would finally be that of my heart overflowing with joy and happiness, and my blood would finally not be spilt because of hate but because of love and admiration. In that one moment I felt like I could do anything and everything. In that moment, if he were to be attacked, I would push him out of the way and take the blow. Even if it meant my death.

But then the following words that my sister spoken, snuffed the flame of love and happiness and joy that just began to grow in my heart and show through my dull blue eyes in the form of a new born star twinkling in the midnight sky. She stepped on it with all the hate she's ever felt for me, smashing it like a bug that cross her path.

But then, a spark just barely ignites as he stands up for me. My new sensi standing up for me, against the hokage's daughter, after our first incounter with each other. I wanted to say thank you, to hug him with all the love that he had just showed me. But my heart couldn't take it, the sudden flow of warm emotions through my cold body. I leap over the railing and disappear to a nearby training ground. I leaned against a tree, holding my beating heart. It can't take the sudden feelings that flooded my systems, so I started having trouble breathing. I collapsed to the ground, hot tears of confused emotion flowing from my eyes. I gripped my head and pulled at my hair," It's too much", I thought. I wanted to scream due to the ever growing pressure of air in my lungs. The surrounding area of my vision starting to go black closing in on the limited view I had. But then warmth filled my chakra pathways, calming my breathing, and my over working heart.

Kurama, the person that I loved, the person who loved me, my only source of life renewing energy. She was the one that kept me going, she was the only reason I had to live. I let out a heavy sigh, and closed my eyes to be greeted to the sewer I called home. I looked at her through the bars, she had tears welling up in her eyes, her arms outstretched at far as the seal could allow it. I leaped through the thick metal bars and hugged her as I crying into her chest and I said softly," Kurama, I love you." I felt her stiffen then relax and she replied back with the her soft voice," I love you too." But I knew she didn't get what I was meaning to say.

" No, Kurama, I love you not like the mother figure you were to me for all these years, I love you like the way when you really like like someone. Kurama, I love you so much, I can only hope that you will still love me and stay with me even if you don't love me the same way." She was frozen stiff, tears flowed down my cheeks, as I lifted my head to face the inevitable. I was expecting a slap to the face, or the face of Kurama red with anger, but instead I was met with the gentle lips of hers against mine, my eyes were wide with shock. She had a bright red color dusted across her cheeks, and tears welling up in the corners of her eyes, but they were not of sadness or hate, but love. She broke the kiss and hugged me, not before saying with genuine love in her voice, saying five words I never thought I'd even hear part from anyone's lips. " I love you too, Naruto."

Time skip, next day

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Time skip, next day

Narrator's POV
It was around 10:00 am, when Kakashi final appeared at training ground seven. Everyone was there even Naruto, who was never told were to go, only way he knew was by a note that he found at his bedroom door from his sensi. Sakura, Naruko, and Sasuke, were all angry at him for being late, until they winced at there growling stomachs. Kakashi had the look of utter disappointment for not eating breakfast even after he said not to. That is all except for Naruto who wasn't there and didn't know that it was a thing. ( Don't worry Naruto I'm the exact same. No one ever tells me anything either.)

"Alright team, your mission will be taking these three bells from me by noon. If all four of you fail, you're to be sent back to the academy. If three of you are to get a hold of a bell, then the last person without a bell is to be sent back to the academy. But if I think your not good enough to be shinobi, I can also easily send you back or band you from ever becoming shinobi if I so feel like it. I expect you all to come at me with the intent to kill, and don't hold back, everything is aloud. Now any questions?" Kakashi sensi explained leaving nothing out. The terrible three looked at each other, a visible grin on each of their faces. He gave a friendly eye smile waiting for any question at all, and when there was none he pulled out an alarm clock set for noon on a stump on the edges of the training ground. Ready. All the students got ready. Go. Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruko shot off into the forest in all different directions. But Naruto just say at the base of a tree, Kakashi looked at him confused, so he approached the almost mute child. "Naruto why aren't you hiding?" He asked softly rather puzzled at his students actions.

Whilst this was going on, the other the students were huddled together forming a plan.

Naruto only replied with a low and raspy voice, it was quite obvious that he didn't speak much. " I know I'm not going to win so why bother." Kakashi just continued with the cooperation even though he'd rather be finishing another chapter of his little orange book. " Well if you do than you might just have a chance at surprise yourself when you do win." He gave a friendly eye smile, looking down at the fragile boy, Naruto cautiously looked up to meet his eye. Kakashi put out a gloved hand to the boy, to his surprise Naruto actually took it. So he pulled him up and guided him into the forest, before leaving to the center of the training ground once more. Completely unaware of the missing bell from his belt, Naruto had used his gentle touch and slim fingers to quickly and silently untie it from his belt.

What? Kakashi did say that everything goes.

Sorry about the wait
High school is rough, and what sucked was that what ever tune I had was for either doing homework our studying, and when I didn't have to do that I had to do other things out in the world.
So again sorry, here's a picture.

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