Fine Dining (Part One)

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Time Skip a few days

Narrator's POV
It was after another long afternoon of training with the rookie nine when they had decided to go have an early lunch at the local barbeque place. Once they all walked into the restaurant they were quickly seated. The sensi's were seated first in a separate booth and all their students to the left of them in another booth. Well all except one, Naruto. The rest of the rookie ninja, left enough space between each other for there to not be enough room for the skinny frame of the young boy. He signed in defeat, not looking up from his feet and was going to try and sit with his sensi but was pulled aside by a waitress with a bitter sweet smile on her face.

"Excuse me, demon scum, but I have to kindly ask you to leave this restaurant. You see we don't serve your kind here." The waitress said whilst guiding him out of the restaurant with a grip tight enough to leave a bruise on his arm. Once she finally let go, he rubbed his arm in discomfort and pain as she shut to door behind her. He just signed, a dead look in his eyes, he walked over to the alleyway to the right of the restaurant. He sat down into the shadows, wishing to fully disappear into them, to sink into the inky blackness of the abyss he knew all too well. Better than anyone should know. He pulled his knees to his chest and wrapped his slender arms around them in a tight hug. He rested his head on them and closed his eyes welcoming the sewer that was his mind scape.

He slipped through the giant metal bars and into Kurama's open arms. He took in her sweet scent in deep calm intakes of breath as he hugged her back. "Kit." She called, her voice like sweet angel bell's ringing. Naruto hummed in response to let her know that he was listening. "Kit, can I ask you something?" She asked timidly with a light pink blush on her cheeks, but Naruto didn't notice. He stayed silent as he shifted his body to lay his head on her lap, taking in the calming warmth of her gentle touches as she petted his hair in a calming manner. She took his silence as a cue to go ahead and ask, her blush grew to a scarlet red as her lip quivered in nervousness. She bit down on the corner of her bottom lip to stop it's shaking, before swallowing the hard lump that was in her throat.

Her lips were chapped and her throat and mouth dry, she was so nervous, Just ask the stupid question! She yelled at herself, before breathing out a shaky breath and quickly gathered as much courage as she could before yelling out the question so fast, it wasn't understandable and this shocked Naruto. Kurama is never like this, she was always calm and collected. He thought to himself staring up at her from her lap. "Say that again I couldn't understand what you saying." He asked sweetly, too dense to notice her obvious nervousness and embarrassment. She looked away in embarrassment, as her face heated up even more, refusing to look at him afraid that it would make things worse. She blushed brightly whispering her question, she whispered so softly that it was below the humans hearing range. She placed her hand over her mouth in embarrassment, after performing what she called asking a question. Naruto sat up and sat facing her now, his legs crossed in front of him. "What?" He asked obviously confused to no end. This forced Kurama to look back at him, causing her face to heat up into an inferno at the sight of he's cute confused facial expression. "I said, will you be my mate!!" She yelled in embarrassment before covering her red faced with her hands. Naruto's face instantly heated up to a bright and somber red.

Being asked by a well established immortal, head of a summons and strongest of the nine buji(?), the nine guardians of nature, demoness to be their mate was a huge honor. And also a huge commitment, being mated to someone was a lot like marriage in the human culture expect it's irreversible. You were forever bond to the other for all of eternity, and hell give mercy to your soul if you were to ever cheat. For the rest of your existence would be a painful one. The bond that binds two demons together was incredibly strong. The bond has to be strong to keep other demons who have yet to be bond, or rouges, away when a demons natural internal clock alarms itself to the time of the mating season, or in other words when they're to go into heat. The bond was so strong that the only way it could be broken was when the other died, you see demons mate for life which means all of eternity.

Naruto gulped, swallowing the ever growing ball of nerves down his throat. He reached up to Kurama's face, slowly and gently pulling her hands away from her face, her blush having calmed down to a light red. She looked into his crystal blue eyes, her chin to her chest, what happened next surprised get enough to nearly jump out of her skin. Naruto gentle laid her hands down onto her lap, letting go softly before looking into her bright red rubies for eyes, his blush gone. His heart pounded with adrenaline, so much so that he almost expected to be shaking from nerves, but his hands were steady. His body filled with the warm passion of his love for her, and with it came courage growing like a seed that had been planted in his heart and nourished with love, quickly sprouting into a tree lager than the tallest red wood. This large amount of courage was new to him, but somehow it felt like it had been there forever, almost like it had been buried under the rubble of his shattered heart, the same heart that slowly began to piece itself back together again with the help of the love from the demoness.

Naruto shifted to sit on his knees, he calmly raised his hands to cup her soft skinned porcelain face, brushing away the tears of embarrassment she had shed with his thumbs and leaned in, to deliver a kiss with his lips gently onto hers. Kurama's eyes widened in shock, but eventually leaned into the kiss, kissing back with real love, with real passion. Her eyes shedding tears of happiness as they continued their little make out session. Once they separated for air, she engulfed him in a huge hug, tackling him to the floor of the giant cage. Girly squeals of happiness coming from her mouth in between kisses that she showered upon his face in quick haste. Naruto's hands raised above his head in shock at the sudden attack.

After she calmed down, and stopped her kiss attack on his face, she sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck and nervously giggled at sight of all of the red lipstick kiss marks that covered every inch of his face. She cleared her throat before speaking, "It won't be official for a long will, because the instant we trade bonding marks I'll be forced into an instant heat. So we'll wait until your a little older, until then we can always have just regular old fun." She said winking, Naruto blushing at her obviously dirty remark. Then out of no where she turned her head to the side as if listening to something, she looked at Naruto with a pouting look, obviously sad about something. She pulled at the collar of his shirt, dragging him into a passionate, rough kiss. Letting go of his shirt collar and lips, she began to say that Naruto was being called for in the real world, all the while his body began to fade as well as his surroundings.
I'm happy, this chapter was so sweet. Maybe next chapter will be as well. Maybe. Just maybe.
Any ways here's another picture.

Any ways here's another picture

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